forum Character Vibe Checks - BUT WITH PICTURES
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

people_alt 102 followers

@larcenistarsonist group


1. You MUST vibe check somebody else's before posting your own. You must vibe check one for every one you post.
2. All vibe checks must be appropriate. No sexual themes or explicitly violent things. Also, be respectful!
3. Do not keep posting the same character except different images!
4. ALL vibe checks must be over 3 sentences long!!! Please make them decent sentences as well!!
As of now, I am the only moderator for this forum. I have the right to kick anyone from here if they violate any of the rules above. I will give a warning or two before I kick.


I'll go first:
(she, her pronouns)

Deleted user

Shy but a major sweetheart, definitely can be intimidating/a bit scary if someone messes with who she loves.

Sear (maybe too obvious ahuidjasuid)


@sock group

Name: Mason
Perhaps a kind hearted, but shy boy. A cinnamon roll that must be protected at all cost. Might not have much friends.

You were actually pretty accurate (not the name though)
It's my boi Elyas

@Becfromthedead group

Grace. Very serious academic, and she takes messing with her friends very seriously. Also a bit anxious and faces a lot of pressure to do well, and better than everyone else. She has a hard time making friends, but those who are close to her love her dearly because she is actually quite generous and caring.


@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Grace. Very serious academic, and she takes messing with her friends very seriously. Also a bit anxious and faces a lot of pressure to do well, and better than everyone else. She has a hard time making friends, but those who are close to her love her dearly because she is actually quite generous and caring.

Besides the name, you actually did really good! Her name's Peregrine, and just about everything else is spot-on

@furetakunai ac_unit

Carnelius (or something ending in ius, just gives off those vibes like that. Something regal). From the clenched fists I can tell he's a very serious guy and may give strong leadership and good advice. Seems like the type to put his friends and family first and himself second. Not afraid to take a leap when necessary.
Completed image

@Becfromthedead group

(Ooh, not far off- even the name, not a bad guess! It's Aurelius. He's actually kind of a weaker-than-average protag, but his strength lies in his intelligence- and honestly advice, like you guessed.)

@spacebluelily language

Name: Mason
Perhaps a kind hearted, but shy boy. A cinnamon roll that must be protected at all cost. Might not have much friends.

You were actually pretty accurate (not the name though)
It's my boi Elyas


@Becfromthedead group

Lily. Soft, a sweetheart, but also a total friend. Had a rough childhood, but you wouldn't know it. She smiles through the pain and secretly is a big worrier.


@Becfromthedead group

(His name is Felix- although I suppose Julian does have a similar vibe. Everything is pretty spot-on except for farmboy. He's actually a blacksmith's son and was somewhat forced into the craft, but he's a lot more comfortable in his artistic ability and he wants to be a tailor.)

@larcenistarsonist group

Quiet, kind of a loner, really smart but doesn't show it, probably has a cat, likes to sit on the roof at night and just sit, excellent marksman, probably carries a knife in their sock,

(they, them, and he, him pronouns)