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forum Gravity Falls anybody??
Started by @jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

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"Get this on tape or i'll die or whatever.."
~ Dipper pines

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"When Theres no cops around, Anythings legal!"
~ Stan Pines

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“I made lots of robuts in my day! Like when my wife left me and I created a homicidal pterodactyl-tron, or when my pal Ernie didn't come to my retirement party and I constructed an eighty ton SHAME BOT THAT EXPLODED THE ENTIRE DOWNTOWN AREA! -laughs- Well, time to get back to work on my death ray! Any of you kids got a screwdriver?”
~ Old man McGucket

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"I can buy and SELL you old man!"

"…Fair point."

~ Gideon and Bud Gleeful

@Toaster group

"Deer teeth! For you, kid."

Honestly I thought the gesture was so sweet. I mean, DEER TEETH?! Yes, please. I'll make a necklace from them.

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Let's accept that everyone in this fandom sees all the weird (possibly messed up things) as funny

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I mean… Gravity Falls is meant to be weird and have potentially messed up things and is another reason why we love it

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

I'm not really that much into shipping (at least for this show) but I guess dipcifica is as close I'll get to it, like, despite Mabel's multiple crushes and when Dipper had a crush on Wendy, the show barely relies on romance, Soos is the only one who ends up in a relationship, like, that is rare in cartoons, specially back then and I think it's one of the many reasons the show is so amazing

Same here. Dipper and Pacifica do work nicely together as a pair, but…. they're 12. It's weird (for me at least) to ship 12-year-olds.
Also, I'm probably in the minority on this, but I could not stand Dipper and Wendy together. On their own, they're my two favorite characters, but together I can't stand them. Every interaction between them was just so awkward and the feelings were clearly one-sided and aaahhhhhhhhh my favorite part of Into the Bunker was literally when she friendzoned him. I stood up and cheered.

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" LOOK I FULLY BEDAZZLED MY FACE, Wink…ow, wink, ow."

~Mable Pines

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Is it sad that I am so obsessed with Gravity falls, I made Masquerade cosplays for Dipper, Bill , AND Mable.