forum Help Me With The-Man-in-the-Fog
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I have an antagonist that is known simply as "The-man-in-the-fog". He's considered as an urban legend in the story that he's in. Anywhere he goes/appears at fog follows him. He doesn't speak, and has sharp pointy teeth. He carries an axe around with him, and uses it on his victims. After killing his victim he decapitates them and leaves with their head. The thing is that I need motives for him to have to do this.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Wow! First of all, let me say how much I appreciate being on this list, Syguy! I’ll do what I can to help.

A tulpa? That looks interesting… What lore did you have in mind for this guy? Any ideas for an origin yet or is that a secret?

@stolenbrocoli group

Ohh i love the idea of this ! That was a really interesting episode. I think you should come up with a specific group (large enough for him to exist). Maybe a type of cult or religion that uses this lore to scare their children into being good or something like that. Or maybe you could make him an (altered) version of the Devil or a demon in these people religions (i don't mean making him a demon since he's a tulpa, but the people see him as a demon figure). That's all i could come up with at the moment, but maybe if i had a little bit more information i could be of more help !

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Wow! First of all, let me say how much I appreciate being on this list, Syguy! I’ll do what I can to help.

You're welcome! 😁

A tulpa? That looks interesting… What lore did you have in mind for this guy? Any ideas for an origin yet or is that a secret?

The lore is that where he goes, fog follows. He always uses an axe as his choice of weapon, and always takes the head of his victims. As for this guy's origins, I'm considering what @stolenbrocoli came up with!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

This may or may not provide some insight, but here's all that I have for the story so far. I should also mention that this is my 1stdraft and attempt at a post-apocalyptic story.

@stolenbrocoli group

So, i just have a question: where is this taking place? Because you say it's post-apocalyptic, but is it post-apocalypse of our world? Or an alternate one? It's just that the names kind of resemble the ones that are in "Into the Darkness", which is more of a fantasy story (going off the fact that there are elves). So, if this does take place in our world, i would recommend more human/normal sounding names because the elvin sounding names can just be a bit misleading and can alter the readers view on the genre.

@stolenbrocoli group

But i am currently writing a post-apocalyptic story myself (TNA), so i would love to brainstorm ideas, considering we're writing in the same genre :D