forum Sleep Deprived Insomniacs Club
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

oh my god
im so bored that im copying an entire conversation
word for word
onto a new thread on nb
and its hilarious
but this is gonna take me forever
and im 100% gonna tell them that ive saved the entire conversation lol

I saw and am eagerly awaiting the thread!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Tbh, I'd probably be a dumbass messing with ouija boards. I guess I don't really fear the potential consequences at all.

Tbh, the whole ouija board thing is one of the few paranormal things that I think is fake…. Which is why I'd join in!

@Anemone eco

Seems pretty fake to me. I tested out the whole "leaving without saying 'goodbye' lets them out of the board" or some shit thing. Opened the board. Sat there for a while without the thing moving. And put away without saying goodbye.

I honestly think it's just some dumb thing to use at parties to scare your friends.

@Anemone eco

it's like 4 am man
why am I still drawing

Go. To. Sleep. You have to get up soon, so get some while you can.

@Anemone eco

Ok, so I have a wip entitled I'm Sorry. It's supposed to be a creepypasta story.

Ooh. Nice. So what is exactly is the background here? Because every good creepypasta has to have a background.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Background/premise is as follows….

The narrator buys a 'cursed notebook', and starts writing in it as a joke. The notebook makes whatever someone writes in it a reality. He starts with mundane things, and gradually works his way up to some more violent things. Eventually they mistakenly write a highly graphic and gory story about a serial killer in the notebook, realize what they did, and write an apology/confession letter before killing themselves.

@Anemone eco

Interesting. Well, in a poor attempt to make conversation, I ask: If you had found such a thing, what would you do with it?

@Anemone eco

Seems like worthy actions. Well, I'm going to sit outside in a tree, sing, and read there for a few hours. I'll catch you guys later! :D

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

So, when I say "highly graphic and gory", I'm thinking of something along the lines of this!

Me, a genuinely non-violent person that is extremely caring and friendly, writing an extremely violent story is the precise definition of irony.