forum What kind of Diversity would you like to see more in books?
Started by @aaloo_thinks

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Hey, guys I just wanted to know what kind of diversity would you want to see more of in books. I would like to see more plus size bad-ass characters in the books.


I'd like to see more racial representation such as more asian, arab, african, and latinx characters.

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Aro/ace representation, neurodivergent rep, more diversity in nonbinary characters and their gender presentation, and just. Some good representation for POC that isn't based in stereotypes.


I'd like to see more characters with disabilities and illnesses that aren't just glossed over or killed off. They should exist with a purpose and not just for some cheap brownie points. I want to see characters with physical disabilities and illnesses surviving just as well as the rest of us. I want to see characters with mental disabilities and illnesses that aren't magically "cured" by the end just because it was "all in their head."

@Shadow_Knight group

I'd like to see more characters with disabilities and illnesses that aren't just glossed over or killed off. They should exist with a purpose and not just for some cheap brownie points. I want to see characters with physical disabilities and illnesses surviving just as well as the rest of us. I want to see characters with mental disabilities and illnesses that aren't magically "cured" by the end just because it was "all in their head."

Same. Some variety would be good to. Maybe instead of the shy girl having anxiety attacks, the extroverted guy has it.

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Vitiligo and albinism.

Also, PTSD and Panic Disorder. I have both and have never read about either in a book.

@Shadow_Knight group

Vitiligo and albinism.

Also, PTSD and Panic Disorder. I have both and have never read about either in a book.

Definitely! I've never accurately read about Panic Disorder in anything. It's hard deal with and its hard on people around them. (To clarify, I don't have it but my mom does and I do have sinus tachycardia, which can cause small "attacks" that are very mild compared to Panic attacks.)

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  • Characters with insomnia
  • Girls with humor (Normally its the side male character or the male protagonist who has the title 'comic relief'. I'd just like to see girls with the humor role more often. Girls are normally bitchy and rude or those annoying shy characters. With characters like Katniss Everdeen, Annabeth Chase, and Hermione Granger as an exception.)
  • An emotional male character (Usually it's an overemotional, sensitive female characters. Does the world not know, men can be emotional lol?)
  • More asexual/ace characters
  • More racial diversity (Normally, in most of the books I read, there is only one character who is not white. Also, the default race that people go to is African American and Hispanic. There are a bunch of different races, I would like to see more of them in books.)
  • Tall female characters who aren't ashamed of their height. (Honeylemon from Big Hero Six is an awesome example of this. She is one of the tallest characters in the movie, but she doesn't care and actually wears heels too!)