forum Since I'm the most indecisive bean, help me choose which idea to try (and probably fail) to write!
Started by @Jay-Marae-is-in-an-emotional-maze

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I have three book ideas, each with a basic concept and some little snippets of what the mood of the story/some themes and stuff.
You can also vote on the POV if you want to

Boy plays/hurts girl’s emotions; girl opens up boy’s emotions
“Life is so much more than we make of it.”
“Our choices are completely our own, but the consequences aren’t.”
1st person - girl
3rd person limited - girl

Man with an uncommon or frowned upon hobby; child who realizes he isn’t that bad
“Expectations are meant to be disappointed.”
“A hateful opinion is almost always an uninformed one.”
“What we do doesn’t always define who we are”
3rd person omniscient

Girl is known for being nice and supportive; never actually gets support herself
“Just because I can’t have something doesn’t mean that others shouldn’t”
“I do what I think is right, not what other people think is right”
3rd person limited - girl
3rd person limited - another girl


I'm not quite sure what the hobby would be. Maybe it could even be a job or a religion.
Also, I would only want to start on one right now because if I tried to do more than one I would never get anything done.
Thanks for the input though! Is there a reason you like the second one best?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I just like and side with the "weird ones" that are misunderstood.
Also I like this line.
“Expectations are meant to be disappointed.”
This one even more.
“A hateful opinion is almost always an uninformed one.”
Though if you go with religion, it shouldn't be “What we do doesn’t always define who we are” unless perhaps it is being used to convey that people do bad things but it doesn't mean they are bad people.
If you go with religion I would say Sikhism or Orthodoxy.


I added some more information/ideas!

Boy plays/hurts girl’s emotions; girl opens up boy’s emotions
“Life is so much more than we make of it.”
“Our choices are completely our own, but the consequences aren’t.”
1st person - girl
3rd person limited - girl

I. Man with an uncommon or frowned upon hobby; child who realizes he isn’t that bad
“Expectations are meant to be disappointed.”
“A hateful opinion is almost always an uninformed one.”
“What we do doesn’t always define who we are”
Religion? - Sikhism or Orthodoxy?
Hobby/Job? - Graveyard worker. Something illegal.
Setting - old-fashioned but not too long ago
Themes - It’s the inside that matters. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover. Be accepting.
3rd person omniscient
“Everyday Life”

Girl is known for being nice and supportive; never actually gets support herself
Anonymous social media account that posts one nice thing about a person in the area/school daily
“Just because I can’t have something doesn’t mean that others shouldn’t”
“I do what I think is right, not what other people think is right”
3rd person limited - girl
3rd person limited - another girl

@HighPockets group

I vote for the second one, maybe he's part of a religion with very strict burial/death guidelines and so he can keep the graveyard job. I just really like graveyards, okay?


Lol, thanks a lot! I'm thinking this may be set back in more old-fashioned times where there's more stigma around him then, making him an outcast/loner. Good idea! I'll start researching religions with burial guidelines with more stigma around them.