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forum What is the Process that Takes Place After Reporting a User?
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Recently there was a report feature added, and it is very useful! I was just wondering what occurs after something/someone is reported. Are their actions reviewed? And then what? What is the 'punishment?'

I don't know why exactly I'm wondering lol, I'm just interested.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

It's still early in development, but basically here's a rundown of what happens right now (P.S. I just reported your post, haha!):

  • Someone clicks "report post" on a post on the forums
  • I then get a notification that someone reported something (which also shows how many posts need review)
  • I can click that to see all the posts needing review – right now it's just you since I cleared out the queue earlier :)
  • From there I can "Approve" the post (which just does nothing and takes it out of the moderation queue – this is for posts that were accidentally reported or don't break any rules, etc – like your post here!), or I can "Block" the post (which hides it for everyone except the comment author). From the same page I can also click the user to see all their posts and/or block them from posting altogether if necessary (which is what I do to spam bots). I don't think I'll ever delete entire accounts for spamming the forums since blocking all activity from the forums seems to be enough to contain spam, but that is technically an option as well.

  • When everything has been dealt with, I get a nice happy-plate message. :)

Deleted user

Woah?? That’s really cool. Will a user who had a comment blocked ever know about it?

Deleted user

Thank you so much, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)! You're awesome!!!!

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

@Emi-Is-a-Big-Yikes They can technically log out and see that their comment isn't there, but otherwise no – not yet, at least. At some point I'm planning on adding a notification system to the site where I'll let people know about blocked comments, but for the time being I'm really only blocking spam comments (and the full text of certain movie scripts…) so regular people don't need to worry about it. :)

Deleted user

Same here lol
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), we love you!

@GoodThingGoing group

One day I'll be able to recite the entire script from memory. One day…

Please don't do that to yourself, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)….
It was the only movie my grandma had on DVD, so I came far too close when I was younger…

Also, that's a cool feature!

@GoodThingGoing group

Is there any way that we would be able to report why we're reporting a comment, such as spam? Because I keep accidentally reporting people when I'm trying to quote them and I really don't want to make extra work for you :(

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Haha Jyn, I only get a few accidental reports at a time right now and it'd probably be a lot more work for me to add in the code to explain why you're reporting. It's something I'd like to add eventually, but until accidental reports become a big time sink I'm happy to just clear them out when they happen. Don't worry about me! :)