forum Random quotes/short conversations from your stories?
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

Basically stuff that might stand out to you that you’ve written, and decided to put it here.

I’ll be using this discussion quite a bit, but you guys can as well!

Deleted user

"He's inheriting my homicidal tendencies!"
"He's a dog that killed a bird, so not homicidal. Homo means same remember."
"Alright! So murderous tendencies!"


Callie (In sign language): Is that my jacket?
Quill: What?
Callie, whipping out a notepad and writing in all caps: IS THAT MY JACKET YES OR NO


"So how many assassins do you know who casually blurt out names and reveal faces while on a mission, just to make sure that everyone knows who to be angry with?"
"I don't know any assassins, actually."
"Shame. I hear they have a killer sense of humour."

@Starfast group

"What kind of a name is Ara?"
"You've got a lot of nerve asking that, considering your name is Dallas."

"Did we really just sit in an empty boxcar for eight hours without coming up with a plan?"
"It would appear that way."

"You've really never seen a bar fight."
"No I– Oh my god, are they out of their minds?"
"They're just really drunk. That wasn't a question by the way. You've really never seen a bar fight. It shows."
"I fail to see how that's a bad thing."
"You mean this isn't quality entertainment to you?"

@Mojack group

“I swear, every time I manage to finally catch up, they always run off somewhere. Gee- I’m not as young and healthy as I used to be.”

Deleted user

"He's inheriting my homicidal tendencies!"
"He's a dog that killed a bird, so not homicidal. Homo means same remember."

Hard approval of this piece.

Its actually a quote from me and a friend, i just wanted to insert it into one of my stories. Lol.


“Go on a quest, you said. It’ll be fun, you said.”
“In my defense, I never said it would be fun.”

“Can I go with you? Please?”
“If I gave a damn about your safety, I’d say no.”
“So I’m in?”
“Stay out of my way, and you’re in.”

“Casimir may be a dumbass, but he’s not stupid.”

“This place is a shithole.”
“Please remember that you’re talking about my house.”
“Oh, my apologies. Your house is a shithole.”

@HighPockets group

"Maia says, er, 'welcome to Fae hell'."
"Maia, don't scare Lucas with your nonsense. And don't give me that hand gesture when there's a child around! What did she just say, Esther?"
"She says 'he's blind, Cedar, he can't see me giving you the fig'. And I have to agree with her."


"Your probably wondering, 'why do you use telepathy when you can just speak?' Well because using telepathy is fun and I'm deaf so fuck you."

"If I go insane I just want you to know how much I hate your guts."

"Why is everything so white?"
"I ask myself the same question when watching 2nd century movies."

"I can't believe you actually live here."
"Technically I don't live here legally, but the former residents are not around."

"Whats the plan?"
"Bold of you to assume I have a plan."

Deleted user

"So you're going to steal from him?"
"I was thinking of posing as his son, killing him and the son, then inheriting the kingdom."

@Mojack group

“They shut me down. Shut it all off. They thought that ending the program could stop us. The Domination. I, The Dominator. Did they? They did. And without my solution, they led themselves to extinction. Like blind dogs following a leader. A leader with terrible intentions. But I could’ve led them to salvation. I would’ve done that. Now they are just parasites to this world. Parasites, that must be terminated.”

(Brief monologue from my character, The Dominator. For context, he was originally a program, created to solve the problems of humanity starting on a planet they’d just colonized. but that all went south.)

@HighPockets group

Just from a fic I'm working on for a friend, but it counts
Also apologizes for the weird punctuation, since this scene is being recounted verbally in-universe it just uses a single quotation mark
‘Alice, I can explain-’ I began, but Henry cut me off.
‘Explain what, Victor? You could have explained what you were doing before running off like that. Between this and the letters, how can I-’
‘Again with the letters! Could you just let that go?’ I asked.
‘Not until you actually talk to us, Victor. We’re your friends, we are always here for you. Just talk to us about whatever’s bothering you,’ Alice said, ‘We’ll understand.’
‘You won’t, neither of you will. You have no idea what’s happening to me!’
‘What’s happening to you? Her brother and Max just died, and you somehow twist this into being about you?’ Henry said, with anger I’d never heard from him, ‘You’re selfish, Victor, you know that? Selfish and self-centered.’ His words tore into my heart, and I felt an anger I was unused to.
‘I’m self-centered? At least I don’t go around inserting myself into other people’s issues because I took one semester of psychology!’
‘So you did read them, and just chose not to respond? Honestly, Victor, and you wonder why I worry!’
‘Yes, I read them. Because unlike others in this room, I can read.’

Deleted user

"This is why we can't have nice things."
"Stop quoting memes for a seccond, we are about to die!"
"Its actually a vine."

@Mojack group

“For most creatures, they generally have a weakspot. Eyes, ears, neck, underbelly, tail..For a Dominator, you pray that it doesn’t see you in the first place.”