forum Wicca
Started by @Jolyn

people_alt 38 followers


Okay so I want to include Wicca in my story or at least something heavily inspired by Wicca but me not believing in the religion and not fully understanding it is a bit of and issue. I find reading things online is a bit confusing so if some of y’all could give me important things to note about Wicca and things that would piss people off if I changed or left it out that would be AMAZING

Note: Make the comment as long or short as you want I don’t care

@saor_illust school

You can't expect people to help you if there is nothing whatsoever about Wicca listed in your post. I'm sorry if that came off as offensive or mean, but that's me being straightforward. First of all, you don't have a character either, so I'm not quite sure how we're supposed to help. Oh, and one other thing. Don't mind me, I'm just your average forum stalker.


You can't expect people to help you if there is nothing whatsoever about Wicca listed in your post. I'm sorry if that came off as offensive or mean, but that's me being straightforward. First of all, you don't have a character either, so I'm not quite sure how we're supposed to help. Oh, and one other thing. Don't mind me, I'm just your average forum stalker.

I just wanted to know all things such as general beliefs, rituals, important figures, book of shadows; etc. I want to include the religion and not make a character who’s soul per pose is Wicca ( it’s just as bad as making a character gay and then their only dialogue is commenting on how gay they are). And you didn’t come off as rude to me at all, just wanted to clear that up.

@saor_illust school

Ah. I see now. So then, which religion are you wanting to know about? I don't believe in religion either, but I can do some research for you :)

Deleted user

My mother was a Wiccan. She told me that one of the rules was something like "be nice to everyone and don't start drama" (that's what I heard, it's not actually phrased like that lol)


Not rules but more of what exactly Wiccan beliefs are and how it is expressed. Things like rituals, what deities do they believe in, book of shadow;etc.

@saor_illust school

Hope this is helpful!
Wicca has no central authority figure. Due to its decentralized nature, there is some disagreement over what actually constitutes Wicca. Wicca is typically duotheistic, worshipping a Goddess and a God.These are traditionally viewed as the Moon Goddess and the Horned God, respectively. Wiccan celebrations encompass both the cycles of the Moon, known as Esbats and commonly associated with the Goddess (female deity), and the cycles of the Sun, seasonally based festivals known as Sabbats and commonly associated with the Horned God (male deity). A Book of Shadows is a book containing religious text and instructions for magical rituals found within the Neopagan religion of Wicca, and in many pagan practices. Many Wiccans believe in magic, a manipulative force exercised through the practice of witchcraft or sorcery. Many Wiccans agree with the definition of magic offered by ceremonial magicians, such as Aleister Crowley, who declared that magic was "the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will", while another prominent ceremonial magician, MacGregor Mathers stated that it was "the science of the control of the secret forces of nature". There exists no dogmatic moral or ethical code followed universally by Wiccans of all traditions, however a majority follow a code known as the Wiccan Rede, which states "an it harm none, do what ye will". This is usually interpreted as a declaration of the freedom to act, along with the necessity of taking responsibility for what follows from one's actions and minimising harm to oneself and others.


Just popping in to mention that I, along with other wiccans nowadays, use 'Do no harm, but take no shit.' Fairly often.

Also! The Threefold Rule is always worth noting! The general idea of this one is that whatever one puts out into the world, be it negative or positive, will be returned unto them times three, or threefold. For example, cursing someone with bad luck, might get you super bad luck. Or, if you're looking for a bit more specificity, say I wished someone I knew would have, maybe, a really bad breakout, or I actually put in place a curse along those lines, then I would, by the rule, end up with the breakout I wished on them, but three times worse.