forum Raging on a Sunday//one on one (open)
Started by @_sleeby_rat_

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So I highkey love the song Raging on a Sunday by Bohnes, and figured I’d make a demon rp based on it. Was thinking something along the lines of a singer meeting someone in a nightclub after performing there and they end up in a sort of odd relationship bc they both like each other but want to deny it (and fail miserably bc they act like friends w benefits lmao)


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Should it be bxb, bxg, gxg, or something else?


Well the character I have in mind has the ability to change their…genitalia? But usually appear rather androgynous. But usually gay/lesbian works for me lol

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I just listened to the song, and MY GOD IT IS AMAZING

Then we can do gay?

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Ignore me listening to the song on repeat for a few days since I won't be able to get it out of my head

Okay then, should I use my gay cinnamon roll?

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Lol, I guess cinnamon roll it is get ready for Mikhail, bitches

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Name: Mikhail Dean
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Fallen Angel
Sexuality: Gayyy
Height: 5’6ft
Eye Color: A light, icy cerulean. The outer edges of his irises are a darker shade, bordering towards violet which gradually fades into the blue as the color moves closer towards his pupil. His eyes are a rounder shape, though they evidently hold the weight of tiredness due to the amounts of exhaustion that often overcome him.
Hair Color: His hair is cut short and curly, with a part on his left side. His hair often falls into his right eye causing him to brush it out of the way or behind his ears. The hues of his short locks are an unnatural platinum silver, with underlying tones of cool blue.
General Features: Freckles dot Mikhail’s dark olive slender face, and his body has a fairly slim, lanky build. His left ear is a little bit nicked at the top from an accident during Kindergarten, and he often has bruises or small cuts from stupid mistakes he makes. Mikhail has an old burn scar, faded and light, on his upper thigh to around his hip area on his right side. (
Outfit: Will literally wear the first thing he sees in his closet, and his closet consists of hoodies, sweatshirts, ripped jeans, and beanies. Also, most of them are a cool colors and all his pants are black. But there are a few exceptions, if one of his friends had bought him clothing, he will keep it in his closet and wear it occasionally.
Personality: Mikhail is sweet and fairly quiet, often times enjoying a comfortable silence a lot more than ongoing chats. He’s awkward around new people at first, but after trusting them, he tends to open up very quickly, often times finding himself uncomfortable when he’s not telling the full truth or being himself. Mikhail, around people he knows and decides to like, can be brutally honest (though sprinkles in some warm words and tries his hardest to make it up if he hurts anyone) and can come off as loud, until he’s put in an uncomfortable situation. He suffers from anxiety and won’t voice his opinions loudly, but with time, he grows the courage to speak up about his thoughts. While he appears to be calm and collected in stressful situations, his mind is often battling with itself, and anxiety is not an uncommon feeling for Mikhail. He’s a quick thinker, but tends to second guess his decisions over and over again, and when he’s in a terribly pressured spot, his facade of stability chips away as his mental state deteriorates. Mikhail despises the idea of being harsh or rude to others, and he tries his hardest to sympathize and be empathetic when he’s talking to others; but when someone somehow uses up all of his patience, he snaps and causes a big (and to be frank, an embarrassing) scene, his thoughts becoming irrational and taking many things (especially criticism) much farther out of proportion that what it truly is. Even with his kind-hearted nature, Mikhail can hold grudges for years - don’t test it. He tries his hardest to be graceful but ends up a bumbling mess in sticky situations. Mikhail also hates the smell of fire, but doesn’t know why his anxiety triggers at it and where the trigger stems from. Even at the slightest whiff of smoke or a lit match can lead to him starting to shake almost uncontrollably, as if he had a fever.
Other: I'm still terrible at making characters

(Is he okay?)

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There, I changed it forgot to say I changed it before, sorry


Name: Kain Lamorak
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Concubus
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Looks: Tan skin, gold eyes, soft curly white-grey hair that’s shaved partly on each side but it falls mostly off to the left and partly in his eyes , slightly pointed ears, sharp fangs, pointed tongue, short claws, long lashes, thinner/leaner body that’s more on the feminine side but still muscled, roughly 5'10" or so, piercing on the left side of his nose, multiple ear piercings, mid-length black horns that curve out a bit before jutting up with gold and white metal inlays in them (the colors can change and shift a bit depending on what he wants to wear or whatever), long whiplike tail with a sort of dull dagger-shaped tip and more of the white and gold metal inlaid in the harder parts (like the end and the bits of what used to be just scales on his tail), pretty gold tattoos that really only show up when he’s…enjoying himself lol
Outfit: Depends, usually goes back and forth between like Billie Eilish’s style and hoe sweaters w short shorts and lots of thigh highs and jewelry
Personality: Very seductive and playful, kind of childish and a dweeb, loves to mess with people, has a very…mature sense of humor, super chill, can barely be serious and when he is he’s still really chill, has a little bit of body issues which is why he has the style he does
Other: Occasionally has to “feed” on people via things like making out with people (he feeds on their life force but avoids killing people despite being tempted), loves to play instruments but often avoids doing so as a main thing

@faltering-through pets

(I'm sorry I saw the title and- I couldn't help myself- I love that song, it's so fucking dope !! anyways I'll see myself out now- walks out awkwardly while finger gunning like an idiot)