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forum PMs not working?

people_alt 38 followers

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Hiya, I'm not sure if this is just me having this problem or if there are others, but at least one other person said earlier they were experiencing it too. I can write messages, but I can't send them. When I press send, it doesn't work. I'm not sure what to do, it's nothing urgent, but I would appreciate some help anyway. Thanks!

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

This is probably due to the apostrophe and/or space in your username. A while back I added rules on what usernames were valid to ensure PMs and things continued working as we continued to upgrade the forums, but I didn't invalidate any old usernames so people weren't suddenly username-less. Here's that update.

Give updating your username a try (the valid characters are listed on that page, but it's letters, numbers, and a few symbols) and see if that fixes things for you!