forum Yellow Plague - Worldwide Zombie Apocalypse (Open; 8/12)
Started by @Peter_Duende language

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" You know that includes us too." Zoe looked over Pollux's shoulder to see that they were attracting attention. "We better move if we wanna survive. " Nico raised his hand to shake Pollux's. " It was nice meeting you guys."

@Becfromthedead group

Pollux was afraid to touch anyone. He hesitantly held out his hand and shook Nico's anyway. He didn't wish to be rude.
"We do need to move. I'm not willing to get in any more trouble than I must."

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Zoe smirked " Smart move." She raised her guns and got ready to fire if needed. Does anyone have a base we can use? Nico and I packed ours last night." The ZOmbies were really starting to come over now.


“I have a base. I lived with my grandparents and siblings on a farm with tons of land, which is where I’m hanging out now. I’ve got a motorbike too, but I can’t fit everyone onto it,” she said, holding the gun loosely.


“It’s not too far, but zombies avoid it for some reason. Out of the city that way,” she said, pointing. “Really lucky they stayed away. I can one, two if we squeeze.”

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"Excuse me I'm 16, thank you very much. Well where is it. Me and Neeks can get there before afternoon if we have too. Pollux you can go ahead." Zoe maneges a small smile for reassurance before she raised her guns and started firing. " We'll hold them back, you can go ahead, we'll catch up!" The roar of bullets was sure to catch attention now.

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It was a blur, Zoe could hardly hear anything with all the firing, especially with Nico's Machine Gun blasting everything in the 5 mile radius. " IF IT HELPS ME AND ZOE CAN TELL YOU SOME SHORTCUTS WE FOUND WHILE WE WERE TRAVELING. IT WILL BE QUICKER!" Nico shouted as loud as he can while he focused on his targets making sure he could see every one of them.

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It was a blur, Zoe could hardly hear anything with all the firing, especially with Nico's Machine Gun blasting everything in the 5 mile radius. " IF IT HELPS ME AND ZOE CAN TELL YOU SOME SHORTCUTS WE FOUND WHILE WE WERE TRAVELING. IT WILL BE QUICKER!" Nico shouted as loud as he can while he focused on his targets making sure he could see every one of them.

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" I don't care if I'm the youngest! I have to stay with Nico no matter what. He's the last family I have left. You and Pollux should go. Give us the directions and we can get there soon." Zoe snapped at her. There was no way she was leaving Nico. She would die if she had too. " Besides I can take care of myself." Zoe said anxiously. The zombies were starting to pour in now.

@Becfromthedead group

(Again, are these fast or slow zombies?)
"I've got one," Pollux said, flashing his gun, "Anyway, no one can afford to act rashly. We should all get out of here."

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( IDK)
" Well then what do you think we should do Oh Smart One?" Zoe remarked as she kept firing. "Its not like a truck is gonna magically appear out of nowhere and we can all go back to our normal lives." " Here, me and Aberdeen will go. Hows that?" Nico snapped. He had enough with all this bickering and excuse him, he wanted to live.


Zoe looked terrified when Nico said he would leave. Aberdeen sighed. “Look, how about you two take the motorbike then? It’s behind the bush with blue flowers a block down.”

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" Or how about if no one takes the motorcycle and we all run for it if we can't decide." Zoe and Nico were already moving quickly running into the ally way and scaling the building.


“I’m not leaving my motorbike behind. Just take the damn thing and drive to my farm, stop being difficult! Now is not the time to try and be a hero,” She shouted, shooting a Zombie.

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Zoe was already up the building when she heard Aderbeen's remark. " I'm not being a hero Aberdeen, I'm doing this for me and my family. Family always comes first, now if you want to stay go ahead. " " Zoe, I think she's right." " No, I'm not leaving you behind Nico. Siblings always stick together." Nico and Zoe were shooting rapidly off the roof tops, but it wasn't making a dent. So Nico threw a bomb down. " GO!"

@Becfromthedead group

Pollux felt deeply annoyed. Had he come upon adults, they wouldn't be making such awful decisions most likely. Adults were more self-interested, and therefore more rational. He decided to turn and run. He wouldn't stay back and fight anything.

@Peter_Duende language

(Truly sorry for leaving; I forgot to say I had to leave for a while. The zombies are fast, but no faster than a fast human.)
Cash had whirled around, spotted the girl with the short dark hair, and then the boy a ways behind her. Before he could manage any words past his shock at seeing them, the action had begun.
The zombies had gotten closer.
Cash dashed around the building corner. What with the others, there were four others still human now, firing their guns like maniacs, he'd be of no use with his bat.

Then the bomb went off.