forum You're my Imaginary Friend (O/O Closed)
Started by @Twoex group

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@Twoex group

Daniel hesitated but was truthful as he retold Roddy's answer. The therapist wrote something down again. "What has been the moment that most influenced you in your life, Roddy?"

@Twoex group

Daniel told her the information, but he left out the part about the party. He did not need someone finding out about what happened there. "Okay. How has this influenced you, Roddy?"

(Any questions that you want her to ask? I can't really think of any more that would be worthwhile)


(More about him! Who he is as a person, that kind of thing)

"It's made me…think about some things. Things that I never knew about. Things I maybe didn't want to know about."

@Twoex group

(Like what questions though?)

"What kind of things?" The therapist asked, "Why do you think you haven't thought about them before?"


(What kind of things would a therapist ask to make someone more comfortable? What his favorites are, his friends, etc)

"I don't know, I never really thought I was imaginary so I've had that little piece of information to chew on. And it's made me rethink a lot of things that seemed odd in my life that I never really thought about. Like no one talking to me, not being able to do things like others, never being able to leave Danny's side. That kind of thing."

@Twoex group

"Yes, so you always stick with Daniel… Do you have any other friends? Anything you like to do aside from talking with Dan?"


"Well…no. Not really. I've never needed anyone else so I never really bothered. And I've never been able to really do much without Dan, not that I've ever minded."


"I like to read. In fact, I do most of the readings that Danny's assigned because he hates doing it. But I don't mind. It's one of the only times I'm actually quiet, according to him." He laughed.


"I really like The Secret Garden. Danny thinks it's old and boring but I love it. It's such an easy read and it's so satisfying. I've read it easily a dozen times."


"More than I should. Stories are the escape we get when real life doesn't have a happy ending in sight. Plus, it's fun to be someone else for a while."

@Twoex group

"When you say that… 'real life doesn't have a happy ending in sight'. What's an unhappy ending for you, Roddy?"


"I don't know…being forgotten? That's always kinda been my biggest fear. I always thought it was just that I feared being left behind in history after death. Little did I know it meant something much more literal."

@Twoex group

"Hmm. It sounds as if you did know, subconsciously maybe. After all, it sounds like you never push back at all from Daniel like a real person would." The therapist wrote something down. "The best, or worst thing about memory is that it sticks with you. You've been a part of Daniel's life for so long, you won't ever be forgotten, Roddy. But have you ever considered taking a step back, and letting Daniel make his own decisions, without your input?"


Roddy frowned, his brow furrowing in concern. "Well, yeah. I let Danny make his decisions. It's his life, not mine. Sure, I offer input when he asks me but usually I let him make all the decisions, I just go along with it."

@Twoex group

"If you're a figment of Daniel's imagination, why do you think he needs to ask you for input then? Why do you have the ideas and he doesn't, if you're just a part of him?"


"I don't know! Lady, I just figured out I'm not even real like a month ago! I'm not gonna have all the answers!" Now he was a little annoyed and defensive. What was with the prodding like he was suddenly an expert overnight?

@Twoex group

Daniel didn't repeat that, instead saying, "Now you've upset him. He doesn't have all the answers."

The therapist raised her eyebrows. "That's quite alright. I'm just trying to get a feel for your situation." She sighed, glancing down at her notes. "Roddy, what types of things does Daniel need your input on the most?"


Roddy took a minute to settle before answering. "Mostly how to talk to people. I've had to coach him through texting multiple times. Like a coach on how to exist with other people."

@Twoex group

"That's not true," Daniel said in reply, and at the therapist's look of prompting, he repeated Roddy's words. "But I can talk to people just fine myself," He said firmly. Yes, sometimes he got nervous when talking to girls, but that was it.

"Okay, why don't I give you another question instead. What do you think Daniel can handle completely on his own?"