forum You promise you won't forget us?
Started by @Fenrir

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Jas nodded, pressing a kiss to Connor's cheek before letting him have the bag and shifting into his cat form. He quickly hopped up on the luggage bags and then to Connor's shoulder to avoid being trampled by the people behind them. He purred softly and settled down, head moving back and forth as he watched their surroundings, suddenly growing nervous as they entered the boarding tunnel. While half cat, has wasn't too fond of tight spaces, especially with so many people around them. He meowed softly and wrapped his tail around Connor's neck.

@Diavolo group

Connor felt his wings pop out and closed them in tightly, not to inconvenience other people. He walked to the first-class seat and put their bag in the overhead compartments. "Jas, you love to have your tale wrapped around me, don't you." He put his backpack under the seat and waited. He couldn't take out his laptop until the plane was fully in the air which he found stupid so he looked out the window and got situated. Jake was on the same flight as him and sat in the empty chair next to Connor.
"Hey, Connor. And Jas." He smiled looking at Jas reaching to pet him.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jake stopped and put his hand in his lap.
"Right because he still hates me." He reminded himself.


Jas gave a trilling pur before slowly relaxing and sniffing around. He glanced up and tilted his head as Jake settled down in the seat beside Connor. He had momentarily forgotten Jake was coming with then. He meowed in greetings, ears flattening against his head as he readied to be pet. Opening his eyes when he didn't feel anything for a few seconds, he flicked his tail and rolled his eyes. Yes he had hated Jake when they had first met but that was more out of jelousy than anything else. Other than being competition for Connor's love, Jake was someone Jas would normally consider a genuinely ok ntereering person to be around. After the talk they had a few months ago, Jas genuinely felt that he could trust Jake. He flicked his tail and gebtly swatted at Jake's arm to get his attention

@Diavolo group

Jake looked over and tilted his head. He paused for a moment and then started to pet Jas.
"Why didn't you tell me that you liked him. Every time I talked about him you always seemed annoyed. Since he seems to like it feel free to pet him as much as you want. You should really tell me these things you know, last time he tried to touch you almost bit his hand off." Once the plane started moving he buckled his seat belt and waited for it to fly off the runway. "Jake I might need your help with some reports later. Some things that were witnessed don't really make sense and I was wondering if you knew anything about it."
"Yeah, sure no problem!' He gladly agreed and scratched under Jas's neck before stoppping.


Jas purred softly as Jake petted him, arching his back slightly. He huffed softly and teasingly nuzzled Connor's ear, emmiting a deeper pur. Jealous darling creature? You know I love your pets the most. He felt guilty for not telling Connor about talking to Jake before, especially since it was about him. Jas had justified that little chat with the thought that it was to secure Connor's safety if something were to ever happen to him. Knowing that Jake was on this mission with them put Jas' concerns somewhat at ease. He hopped down from Connor's neck and settled beside him, careful to avoid the computer as he curled in on himself to sleep

@Diavolo group

Connor shook his head with a scoff. "You naughty little kitty, you know not to tease my ear like that." He kissed Jas's back, watching him go to sleep. "Such a cutie, and for what?" He shook his head and started on his work. He asked Jake for help on something the entire flight and then worked it out himself. He was careful not to lean back so much, so his wings wouldn't be crushed by the seats. "Hey, Jas…we're here; time to wake up…" He whispered, kissing his forehead lightly. His stuff was away, and he was ready to leave once Jas woke up.


Jas mewled in protest it reluctantly uncurled himself and stretched his back, satisfyingly yawning before shaking himself out and jumping up onto Connor's shoulders. He settled down and nuzzled his cheek. He sniffed around, already pricing a significant difference from their home town to here. Once they got out of the boarding tunnel, has hopped down and shifted back to normal. He pulled his bag over his shoulder and lacing his hand Connor's hand together. "So is the hotel close to here?" He asked, ears flicking around curiously

@Diavolo group

"No, the hotel is about a half an hour drive from where we are." He watched Ja's ears flick, and all he wanted to do was touch them. "You're ears make you look so cute." He gave Jas a nice long head rub. "Let's go find that car I rented." He held up the car keys and started to walk towards the parking lot. "I don't mind driving, and it's not like I'm tired anyway." Connor pushed up his glasses, leading the two of them towards the car.


Jas nearly melted into Connor's hand, barely standing upright as he gave into the pets and head scratches. He pressed a quick kiss to Connor'a hand before he pulled away and nodded. "That's not too bad. Is it close to where your mission is?" he asked as he looked around at the streets surrounding them, fascinated by the shops and street vendors. While he was used to the city, it always surprised him how other people lived in such a similar environment. He stuck close to Connor, trusting him to know the way around the city instead of his own instincts and want to get lost among the buildings and people. Multiple times he found himself wanting to shift and go off to explore around.

@Diavolo group

"That is information I cannot tell you, Jas." After a few minutes, he found the by unlocking the door. The lights and sound made the car stand apart from the others. A black Jeep Wrangler handed enough space in the trunk to all their luggage. He put his suitcases into the trunk and walked around to the driver's side. "Jas, sit in the front, and Jake, you sit in the back." He instructed.

Jake glared at Connor, mocking him under his breath. "Why do I have to sit in the back? This is just so unfair. We'll see who has to sit in the back. He is always so bossy. I can't stand him sometimes." He silently ranted.

"I heard that! Sit in the back, Jake! Unless you want me to pound your face in!" He yelled from the driver's seat. He rolled down the window to feel the tropical, warm air. He took out his sunglasses and put them on, fixing his hair in the rear-view mirror.


Jas rolled his eyes, "right, I forgot about the secrecy and stuff." He muttered, putting his stuff in the back of the car. He threw Jake an apologetic look, a slight smile crossing his features. It was a comfort to him to know that Connor wasn't pissed at only him all the time. "You'll have the front seat all to yourself soon." He reassured Jake, sliding into the front seat and pulling on the seatbelt. He too rolled down the window and watched as the scenery flew by them. He tested his head on his hand, trying to catch any landmarks he could see sonthatvhe could go there once Connor left for his mission and after Jas knew he was safe. He reached over and gently took Connor's free hand in his, lacing them together, more for his own reassurance than anything else. He trusted Connor. But he trusted his own instincts above all else, especially when it came to keeping the few people he loved safe

@Diavolo group

Connor looked down at his hand and smiled. He bent over and kissed him on the lips before putting the car into drive. Connor let the GPS show him to where the hotel was. Whenever he reached a stop sign, Connor would look out the window and sighed. He then drove on when the light turned green. "I was born here, you know. It was like a celebration every day where we lived. Maybe because I was a golden child, but even so, it was beautiful. I could show you around Jas if I have the time." They reached the hotel sooner than expected. He gave the keys to the valet who would bring in the car. "You can leave your bags. They will bring them up to the rooms later. The smell of Florida is something I will always miss. Ready, you two?"


Jas hummed softly at the kiss, giving a gentle squeeze to Connoe's hand. Despite the mission and Jas' ever growing worry for Connor's safety, Jas was genuinely happy to be here with Connor. He turned to him and tilted his head curiously. "No, I didn't know that. Why did you ever leave? It seems like a beautiful place to live." He asked, eyes widening as they passed a roman style building. "I would love that, my heart." He replied, turning his attention to a neighboring building, also in a whitish marble but less busy with decoration, choosing to focus on the simplicity. Once they parked, jas got out of the car and stretched, having spent too long sitting both in the plane and the car ride. "Fancy, huh?" Jas watched as the valet take the car and simultaneously their things in the car, to an unseen parking space. He bobbed his head and clasped his hands behind his head. "Ready."

@Diavolo group

"Only the best for the top hero I supposed. Let's get checked in first and then I can tell you about it after." He nodded to the people who opened the door for him in thanks. He checked in to get enough key cards for the three of them. "You don't have to worry Jake is in a separate room, but please knock before you come in. You have a habit of not knocking." He pressed the button for the elevator and pressed the correct floor. "Is there anywhere you want to go before I'm bust with work and all of that?" He asked, tugging Jas into the elvator with him. Jake followed suit and walked in as well.


"says the one who walked in on me taking a shower." Jas teased, following Connor into the elevator. "But I'll knock or call beforehand." He promised, glancing around the fancy elevator in awe. He tilted his head curiously and shrugged, "anywhere, everywhere. I want to see it all." He said with an excited smile. "What do you recommend?" he asked, looking between Jake and Connor. In past lives, he had been more interested in traveling the world than other states, so this was a new thing to Jas.

@Diavolo group

"That-that was an accident. I was too tired, and besides that, it was completely different. I wasn't talking to you, though, kitty I was talking to Jake. You can walk in anytime you like since we are in the same room. I didn't make a reservation since it was too short notice." The elevator made a noise before the doors opened. He walked out and turned the corner. "The room on the end of the hall is ours, Jas. The room across from that is yours, Jake." He pointed. "Well, this hotel is pretty big so that we could explore that first, and then we could go visit where I used to live. Maybe go to a beach. Maybe we could even go to Disney, but that's more of a full-day trip. We are in Orlando so it shouldn't be too far you know? If everything goes according to plan, we should be able to go on our last day."


Jas gave a slight nod, arching an eyebrow at Jake. He breathed a control sigh, not wanting to ruin the vacation early by arguing about Connor's privacy, especially since Connor seemed to have the need to remind Jake of it. He followed Connor out of the elevator, nodding as Connor pointed out their rooms. "Whichever one you like, dear. I'd love to see where you grew up. And Disney sounds fun, though you're right, that does sound like for another here you aren't as busy." He nodded his head towards their rooms. "We could just stay around here until your mission. Then we can take tomorrow as a fun day to relax and enjoy our time here."

@Diavolo group

Connor put in the chip to open the door and opened the door. "Jake, when's our mission?" He asked.
"Shouldn't you know this?" He asked, opening his one door and standing in the frame. "It's tomorrow at night, so if you guys want to go anywhere, you can, but we have to be dressed and ready by eight, okay? No later. Yes, you will have to wear a dress and since your hair isn't long anymore you need a wig. If you didn't bring one I have an extra."
"Thanks!" He walked into the room, taking in the fresh air.
"So irresponsible." Jake scoffed.
"I heard that!" Connor yelled before Jake shut his door. "So we have some time tomorrow besides going to see where I used to live anywhere else. I heard they have a pretty nice bar here that we could visit, maybe go in the pool and have some margaritas. I haven't had one in a while. If everything goes as planned and I don't come in a bleeding mess, we could always relax here for a bit. What do you think?"


Jas gave a laugh at the two hero's interaction before following Connor into their room. He gazed around the room, taking in the suite and The large bed in the middle facing a balcony overlooking the Florida city skyline. He looked into he corner to find their bags and suitcases already there. A soft smile settled on Jas' features as he gently pulled Connor into an embrace and tugged him to the bed. "That sounds great love, I could definitely go for a drink and a swim for a few hours, especially since I'll probably be worrying about you all day." He pressed a kiss to Connor's brow, a sharp sigh leaving him. "Promiss me you'll come.back here, come back to me safe. Without injury. Please." He murmured, lips pressed against Connor's brow.

@Diavolo group

Connor gave an apologetic smile. "You know that is the one thing I can't promise. I might be a hero with powers, but I'm not invisible. Not even you." He leaned forward enough so that they both fell on the bed. "But for now, what I can promise is that we can rest. I can kiss you till the sun goes down." He flopped next to Jas, caressing his cheek. "I'm sorry, kitty, but don't focus on that too much, alright. Let's have fun tomorrow, okay? Maybe some of today. We could hang out by the pool if you're up for it. If you're too tired, then we can stay here, take a nap, and swim at night."


Jas let out a slight gasp in surprise at being pushed down onto the bed. He snuggled up close to Connor, a pout replacing his frown before he reluctantly nodded. "I know sweetheart." He muttered softly, holding cradling Connor's hand and pressing a kiss to Connor's wrist. "Kissinng until the sun goes down sounds pretty good," he cooed, a grin crossing his features as he leaned in close enough so that their lips brushed. "But all sound great about now, my heart, especially since nonr require leaving your side." He whispered, gaze dropping to Connor's lips before he closed the gap between their them

@Diavolo group

Connor smirked against his lips. Nodding his head, causing the kiss to become more profound. "I'm pretty sure.." He spoke before kissing his lips once more. "If we were standing, I'm pretty sure my legs would've turned to jelly." He periodically between kisses. He chuckled slightly, pulling Jas closer to him, so he wrapped his arms around his neck, trying to keep him as close as possible without crushing him. "You really wanna kiss till the sun goes down? I don't mind it, but that's a couple of hours away. Unless you were joking otherwise, this would be very embarrassing right about now." He awkwardly laughs, pulling away completely to catch his breath.


"then it's a good thing we're laying down, isn't it?" He murmured, moving his hand so that it was splayed against Connor's back. He hummed softly as Connor tugged him close, happily letting Connor pull him closer. He took the moment when Connor broke away to breath and collect his love drink mind. "Well, maybe not for hours on end. That probably would get tiring after a while but I wouldn't mind cuddling a kissing you for the rest of the day. We can also explore the hotel together if you'd like to move around. The plane ride was pretty long." Jas chuckled lightly and shook his head, holding Connor firmly in place so that he wouldnt go to far from his embrace. Pressing their heads together, has shook his head and pressed butterfly kisses to Connor's features and jaw. "I would never joke about wanting to be with you, alone, for hours on end my sweet creature."

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"Okay, yeah, I could work with that. No, if you're tired, then we can stay here. I don't mind, not one bit. Can we sit outside and cuddle. It's a bit cold in here, and I like the warm weather outside." It's so beautiful outside. It's not even dark out, and the view from here is just amazing, I mean." He pecked Jas's cheek before standing up and opening the balcony door. He smiled, letting the warm air consume his body. "The balcony is so big!" he yelled, running towards the edge to lean over it. He grinned, watching the waves of the ocean. "Jas, Jas, you can see the ocean from here!"


Reluctantly letting Connor go, Jas propped himself up on on his elbows, watching Connor run over to balcony and admire the scenery. He shoved himself out of bed and joined Connor outside, wrapping him in his embrace and resting his head on Connor's shoulder, not exactly ready to let him go. "It really is beautiful up here." He agreed, stunned by the view they had been given. While he wasn't a fan of being in the open ocean, Jas could always appreciate the scenery it offered, turquoise waters contrasted to the White sands always made Jas feel breathless,especially now that he was seeing it in person. "How about we go down here later tonight? When it's a little less crowded." He suggested, gently nuzzling Connor's temple.