forum Two assassins fall in love (part 2) o x o closed
Started by @Nor_bananas

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@emilyevewrites group

Farah pressed her lips into a smile, but it was fleeting. "Right. Let's go inside." She got out and made her way around the front of her car to get to the sidewalk. Her eyes darted around, looking for the people she knew would be hiding in plain sight. She spotted one – a man in a dark jacket by the bus stop – and stepped in a way that she purposefully obscured his view of Alyssa.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah held onto Alyssa's forearm protectively, and she didn't stop moving until they reached their studio suite, and she locked the door behind her. She rested against the wall and sighed. Blood still trickled weakly from her nose.


"Here." She insisted "Let's go to the bathroom and clean you up." Alyssa smile reaching her hand out to Farah. "And the motherfucker got blood on my shoes!"


Alyssa got a little blood on her cheek but she didn't mind. When they got to the bathroom Alyssa took a cloth and ran it under cool water. "Her." She said and gave the cloth to Farah.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah plucked it from her girlfriend's fingers and held it to her face. "I'm sorry," she murmured. "I thought he knew better than to come at me in front of my partner."

@emilyevewrites group

Farah laughed quietly. "Yes, darling, I know you do." Still, a regretful tone filled her voice. "But you were still in danger. I don't know what I would've done with myself if he hurt you."


Alyssa headed to the bedroom to change into her PJs. She got into her comfy PJ's and started to undress putting her dress in a laundry basket and getting fluffy pjs pants on and a fluffy shirt. After she got changed she put her bunny slippers on and sat in bed.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah changed as well, wearing a loose tank top and grey-white tie-died sweatpants. She let her hair down to brush it, then she tied it into a high tail before coming to join Alyssa in bed. “You look very comfortable,” she purred.