forum Two assassins fall in love (part 2) o x o closed
Started by @Nor_bananas

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@emilyevewrites group

On her way out, Farah had picked up a black duffel bag from the couch. She made her way through the streets easily and turned down a malicious looking alley. Ellias waited at the end, the darkest part, and Farah winced at the sight of him.

"Your little pet isn't here to protect you today?" he asked mockingly.

Farah didn't respond, but her lip curled in a sneer.

"I quite liked her. Aside from the nearly blowing my head off."

"Leave her out of this," Farah snapped. "I have your money. Just leave us alone."

Ellias arched his eyebrows. "Ooooh, us."

Farah exhaled heavily. "I mean it Ellias. It's all there." She tossed the duffel towards him, and it landed with a satisfying thump at his feet.

@emilyevewrites group

Ellias lifted his chin. "If a single dollar is missing, Farah, I won't hesitate to send my men after you and your pretty girlfriend."

"That won't be necessary. It's all there, like I told you," Farah replied coolly. "Now if you'll excuse me…" She turned and headed for the entrance to the alley.


Alyssa quickly remembered something important. She quickly texted "Hey can you stop at the store on your way home? We need malk and garlic bread" she sent the text. But milk and garlic bread wasn't the only thing she remembered. She was having flash backs to long ago sending long text to a special someone. But she quickly repressed those memories, they were to hard for her to bare.

(You are gonna get some Backstory soon!(: )

@emilyevewrites group

Of course love, Farah texted back.

Within a fifteen minutes, Alyssa could hear the door open and close. "Darling, I'm home!" Farah called, setting the groceries on the counter. "Darling?"


Alyssa was crying on the bed because she got to the part where olaf dies in frozen 2 "I'm over h-here." She cried sniffling her nose.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah sprinted to the bedroom, her eyes wide and panicked. "Alyssa?! What's wrong?" she demanded before she looked at the TV and sighed. "You have to stop doing that, my dearest," Farah teased lightly, sitting beside her on the bed and slipping an arm around her shoulders. "I thought you were hurt or worse."

@emilyevewrites group

"Do you like to give me a bloody heart attack? I walk in to hear you crying, and I assume the worst, especially with our line of work." She pulled her girlfriend into her chest and rubbed her back gently. "It's alright, you know he comes back."


"Yea but still!" She yelled. The next scene was when Anna startes singing and Alyssa shouted "NOW'S NOT THE FUCKING TIME ANNA!"

(She is very passionate about disney movies)


Alyssa smiled like a dork. "Do you want lasagna and garlic bread for dinner later?" She asked wrapping herself in the blanket still letting Farah pet her hair.

@emilyevewrites group

"That sounds wonderful, my darling," Farah replied, pressing a kiss to Alyssa's hair after she smoothed it. "I was in such a rush this morning to get up, I didn't even ask you how you slept."