forum The Old King is Dead (Long Live the King) // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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Evander blinked, looking over at Dacian. "Oh. I'm fine." the windows in the bedroom looked out on the royal gardens, which was a rather excellent view, in all honesty. Evander ran a hand through his hair. "It's nothing you need to worry about." he did his best to reassure Dacian, because in truth, there was nothing the other man could do.

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Even though his eyes glistened, Dacian gave a nod then strolled over to the desk where one of his bags was placed. He still could not ignore the fact that the king did not look well, yet he is not in the position to insist on helping or to say that there is something wrong. On the other hand, he found himself biting at his bottom lip in an attempt to hold back on the words that wished to spill out. Moving his head to the left, he covered his mouth while clearing his throat. "Excuse me, Your Majesty," He mumbled. "Well, I suppose if there is anything, I would be honored to help."


Evander smiled faintly. "Thank you for the offer, ambassador, but it really is by anything for you to be concerned about." He replied, looking over at Dacian. "Now, I should be getting back to business, unless you have any questions or concerns that I can address?" He raised his eyebrows a little bit

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He shook his head. "I am afraid that if I do ask a question, we will be here together till the next day," He chuckled. "Other than that, I do not have anything. Thank you for everything, Your Majesty." Dacian opened up his bag then placed his journal on the desk. He looked over and gave the king a bow along with a smile. "And as they say back at home, 'Sok szerencsét' "


Evander nodded. "Of course." he replied. He bowed lightly. "I'm unsure what that means, but I'll take it as something good." his lips quirked in a faint smile, and he straightened and headed towards the door. Now that he was back out in the hallway, he sighed faintly, running his hands through his hair as he walked back towards the stairs.

@knightinadream group

Dacian laughed a little as he nodded his head. "Of course, it means 'good luck'. I thought it'd be proper to say," He responded. When the king had went and gone through the door, he bowed. Even after the king had left, he waited till the sound of footsteps had faded away. He fell into the chair while letting out a large sigh. For awhile he just sat there before opening up his journal. The last time he wrote in it was last evening; perhaps he should start writing about what has happened so far.


Evander went back to the throne room, picking up his paperwork and flipping through it quietly, trying to figure out what to do now. He eventually found where he had been reading before, and picked up where he left off, his chin leaning on one of his hands.

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Only a page and a half into his entry, and Dacian had found himself to stop at the moment he began to write about meeting with the king. Sure, it only just had happened mere moments ago, but the memories flooded back in and he began to tap his fingers against the desk. When he began to think about His Majesty and the monster, a chill shot down his spine. "Something doesn't feel right," He mumbled to himself, gazing over at the door. Relaxing back into the chair, he shook his head. The king said there's nothing for him to worry about, so he shouldn't, but oh spirits help him for he still knows the feeling is lingering within.


Evander thought for a moment of this new ambassador. Dacian. He seemed…very curious. Evander wasn't sure that was a good thing. Not with all the secrets he kept. Not with how vulnerable those secrets made him. He supposed he could make up some offense that Dacian had done, find an excuse to send him home and get a new ambassador sent, but that felt…worse. It would make Dacian question more, probably, and perhaps make others question too.

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Maybe he is stepping into a territory he shouldn't be in. Or maybe he has ruined everything already by letting his mouth run. Dacian slammed the writing utensil against the desk before hiding his face between his hands. It hasn't even been a few hours since he arrived and he already had messed up with the job he was personally given by his own king. By his own king back at home! If he isn't going to end up in trouble anytime soon, he'll have to be a lot more cautious. Getting up out of the chair, he began to pace around the room, letting his thoughts run freely. Every now and then, he'd look over at the door before going back to walking around.


Evander shook his head. For ill or for better, Dacian was here until he decided to leave, or until his king decided the ambassador needed to return home. Evander would just have to be careful of what he said around Dacian. That was all.

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But what if there is something going on? Stopping in his tracks, he put his hands on his hips while his eyes squinted. "No", Dacian mumbled to himself. His duty as the ambassador of Sceivania is to take care of concerns and business with Sceivania and Aven. He shouldn't be concerning himself with potential issues where he doesn't have any place in. And yet, he cannot shake off the concerns he has with the king. Oh how the king looks exhausted and troubled. If only he could do something about it.


Evander shook his head, going back to his paperwork with a sigh. He still had some misgivings about this, but he brushed them aside. It didn't matter. Things would be fine, even with Dacian here.


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Again, Dacian found himself stopping. This time though, he turned in direction of the bed and trudged forward. Now the excitement and worry has finally began to take a toll on him. He faced the window so that he'd fall onto the bed on his back. With his eyes staring up at the ceiling, he let out a deep and long sigh then made the sign of the cross.

(Yeah sure, timeskip please)


(alright. Any ideas when to? I was thinking either at night, and Evander loses control, or some sort of event? A ball or something, idk)



It was a few weeks later, and a ball had been organized. It was not for any real, specific occasion; just a ball. Just a dance. Just a chance for the nobility to mingle and see their king alive and whole and well. Even if he felt like he hadn't slept in days, and had circles beneath his eyes and a headache that wouldn't let up. But he had dressed up for the ball, dressed in a dark suit, his hair combed and a golden crown lying upon his head. He sat on a throne on one end of the ballroom; he would mingle later, once everyone had arrived. His advisors kept pressing for him to marry, produce heirs, but…he wasn't ready for that just yet.

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Time does tend to pass by right before one's eyes. Dacian was surprised at how caught up he got in everything from work to befriending and working with other ambassadors to home. Thankfully it all kept his mind busy so that the anxiety about the king and the monster had been tucked in the back of his head, though it still lingers. Now he is at his first ball in Aven, wearing a crimson red suit along with a black overcoat, talking to some of the ambassadors. Most of them were accompanied by their spouse or one of their children, and yet here he was all by himself; although it wasn't necessarily bothering him.


Evander eventually pushed himstoff the throne to head out and mingle with the crowd, speaking and smiling a little as he conversed with each person he could, shaking hands and fraternizing. He also wore a black cape, the underside of which was a deep golden tone, lovely and soft and a reminder of his status as the king. Pinned to the left breast of his suit were military medals; he was king and savior and he wasn't going to let people forget that.

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It didn't take long for him to realize what was happening. All the others he was talking to suddenly turned their heads looking at someone. Dacian found himself curling back his lips as he glanced over, noticing that it was the king. He still feels terrible for all he had done when they first met. While his face remained nonchalant, he felt stiff and frozen in place. Glancing down at his black gloves, his fingers began to shake as he slowly tried to take one of them off.


Evander looked just a little tired, but then, most people expected a king to be tired; after all, kings were responsible for so much. So no one thought it odd that his features were pale and drawn, that those dark circles under his eyes looked almost dark enough to be ink smears. Even if they did think it odd, no one mentioned a thing.

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Finally, he managed to get glove off. Even after, his fingers were still shaking a little. Dacian glanced around at the others before letting his eyes settle back onto King Evander. To him, His Majesty still looks the same as when they had met, if not a little more worn out in his opinion. Is it wrong to pity a king? Is it wrong to wish he can do something to help? He shook his head. All he is able to do in comforting the king is to do his duties and to hold back on his words. Very feasible he supposed, but oh how he still feels terrible about not being to assist in any way.


Evander's gaze eventually found Dacian, and he inclined his head in greeting, another faint smile flashing over his lips as he finished his conversation with one person and coming to Dacian, shaking his hand. "It is good to see you again, ambassador." he said. "I trust your stay has been enjoyable so far?"