forum Private Roleplay with @Nekosrkewl_Hates_School!!!
Started by @spacebluelily language

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@spacebluelily language

"I can see why some would find it quite large, sir." Theo wondered how those naga felt living in a house or cabin and having to live with objects that felt a bit large for them. It would certainly interesting if he could get what they thought. Perhaps one day. Perhaps not.

@spacebluelily language

"I didn't have one, sir."

It was the truth. Somehow, Theodore had never had a master before. Something that confused him greatly. If his sister managed to get a master, how come he didn't, not til now? It was a question that Theo was sure he wouldn't be able to answer.

@spacebluelily language

(I honestly forgot how old Theodore was. Now excuse me as I try to make my response more than three words. xP)

Theodore blinked his eyes and started thinking. He kinda forgot his own age, which might've surprised quite a few people. After a moment he answered with, "I'm 25, master."

@spacebluelily language

Theodore didn't respond. He was trying to think of some questions, but his mind only came up with one. He decided that one question was enough for now. "Only one, master. How old are you?"