forum OxO MxM (closed)
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@CaseyJ group

"if your talking about when we fucked, you still did all the work, so that doesn't count" Carter shrugged, smirking slightly.


Justin rolled his eyes and walked over to Carter, "Whatever," He pecked the boys face then walked into his room and flopped on his bed. He pulled out his phone and laid on his stomach scrolling, "Are you going to go get your cigs or no, we can just hang out if you don't." He called


"I gave you money what.." Justin tapped Carter's leg when he laid down, "My money is also your money, just ask me, dummy," he laughed softly

@CaseyJ group

"I don't eat foo- oh.. wait- … are you asking cuz I threatened to bite you?" Carter tilted his head, not laying back down yet.


"well I don't necessarily need to fuck you but I could of I wanted to, same deal." He grabbed his phone and went back to what he was doing