forum “Oh what is this place?” “That would be my home…” “…OH and it is LOVELY-!”
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

(Alsooooo- is he the social worker??? Like- my intention was that they live in the city and was just told about this kid. Unless he’s also just camping until he finds them- if so, maybe add that detail of him getting the call, going into the forest, setting up camp. Just give more context! Just a nice suggestion ^^)

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aloe squeaks as they stay in the bushes. Their squeak was loud enough to be heard, but they themself couldn’t hear it. After a while, they burst out of the bush, swinging a big stick. “GET AWAY! GET AWAY!” They yell. “GET AWAY BIG CREATURE!”

Chico hissed at the stranger, staring him down as he rested on Aloe’s head. Aloe kept swinging their makeshift weapon, trying to make themself more threatening then they already were.


3 days before Jared’s boss walks over to him “Jared we got a call about a potential child up in the woods, and your going hunting soon so would you mind looking while your up there?” Jared looks up from his computer “Yeah sure, I guess.”

The present day Jared grabs the makeshift weapon out of the little girls hand trying to reassure her as he grabs at it “Hey! I’m not trying to hurt you!! Calm down.” He looks her in the eyes pulls the weapon out of her hand and slowly puts down both his and her weapon making sure they were close to him in case she tried anything. “Look at me, I’m Jared, what’s your name?”

@Eli-the-transboi group

They growl, narrowing their eyes and kicking his leg. They then sprint off, bag in hand. “STAY AWAY FROM ME, MONSTER!” They zig zag through trees in attempt to lose him. That guy wasn’t gonna get me! No sir! they thought, running back to their treehouse.

Then…they did the most stupid thing ever. They looked back.


Jared was closing in on her just trying to do his job and help this child find a better place to be at, asking her what happened and why she was out in the woods alone. He watched as she turned her head to look at him "WAIT, WATCH-"

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aloe gasped as they felt the ground beneath them vanish. They then clung onto a tree and looked down to see a deep river below them. They yelped as they clung for dear life, their eyes wide. They hated the mere thought of falling. They started panicking slightly as they try to slowly climb their way back to land, only to see the scary stranger catch up to them. They yelped as they paused where they are.

“Get away from me!” They hiss at him, barring their teeth. Chico scrambled onto the branch and seemed to be looking for anything else Aloe could use to get up.


Jared finally caught up to the kid and peered down at the Cristal clear flowing river down below him the rushing sound giving a slight sense of calm in this stressful situation.

“Give me your hand!” He tried to make his voice as calm as possible but he ended up yelling it as the sound of the River pounded in his head “swoosh, swoosh, swoosh” the river began to become louder as Jared stressed more and more about saving the child.

He reached out his hand to give her something to grab onto to climb up, waiting for her to see it he crouched down a little to get it closer.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Aloe only moved away from him as he did this, unable to hear him over the loud river below. They then look down to see a rock platform about 3 feet below them. It then looks at the man and huffs at him, sticking their tongue out before dropping onto the rock and scaling the ledge over the river. It gripped onto rocks, roots and branches as they slowly but surely climbed their way down the river. After a while, it managed to climb back up a steep slope and hoist itself back onto the grass. They were now a few several feet away from the stranger.

Aloe laid on the grass for a while, catching their breath. Once their senses calmed, they shot up and picked up Chico who had scampered his way over to them. They then bolted back to their treehouse.

To the man’s perspective, all he saw was this child let go of the branch it was hanging from, and disappear from sight.


Jared stood over the edge frozen in horror, he peered over the edge cautiously checking for some kind of ledge that the child could have landed on. Finding no ledge and not being able to see any of the roots that they had climbed onto he began to panic. A rustle came from in the forest, in Jared's panic he grabbed a somewhat small stick from the ground and turned around. His Saint Bernard, named Brutus, ran up to him with something in its mouth.

"Oh, Brutus it's just you!" his voice was shaking but he still sounded joyful to see Brutus "Whats that in your mouth?" Brutus had a rodent of some kind in his mouth, it had a sort of strange familiarity to it like he had seen it before. The rodent was still alive, luckily, but it was injured from Brutus's teeth. "Brutus, drop it." his voice turned stern and stopped shaking as much as before but he still had a little panic in his voice. Brutus tilted his head, not fully in confusion but almost as if he was asking "But I caught something for you". Jared looked his fluffy pal in the eyes and said "Brutus, you did good but I need you to drop it for me, this animal could be sick so its not good to eat.". He, of course, was lying to the dog but Brutus put it down anyways.

The rodent didn't move but as it laid on the ground still breathing Jared knew exactly how he knew it, "This is the kids…" he whispered to himself one eyebrow was raised the other curved down in confusion "That would mean…" He looked up at Brutus "Did you see a kid?"

@Eli-the-transboi group

As Aloe ran back to their treehouse, they looked around. “Chico?!” They started to panic once they realized they had lost the squirrel. “Chico!” They ran back to where they had been, calling out to the squirrel. Aloe’s shouts could be heard from miles away, which made the injured Chico look up once he heard his friends voice.

Aloe ran and ran, screaming now in fear that her only friend had been taken. Just as they were about to start crying, they saw that man couched down in front of Chico, who was laying almost motionless on the ground…and…a dog. They gasped, freezing in place. They then rushed over and scooped the rodent up, holding them close to their chest. “Chico!” They cried. Aloe then glared at the man with hatred in their eyes. “HOW DARE YOU?! GET AWAY!” They screamed. Then, they started sprinting back to their home, dodging the dog as they ran.