forum neon-future-city motorcycle gang queer rivals-to-lovers? one-on-one, open!
Started by @darling-velocipede group

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@Moxie group

name: Nova Ryker
age: 17
gender and pronouns: Female, she/her
sexuality: She doesn't like to label it (hope this is okay. if not, I'll change it)
appearance: Her hair is somewhere between straight and wavy. Its naturally brown but she dyes it bright blue. The lights of the city look really cool reflecting off of it. She also dyes her eyebrows blue. Her eyes are brown and her skin tone is a little dark. She's fairly thin. (I kind of imagine her looking like and older Luz from the Owl House just with longer and dyed hair?) Wears pretty plain black, navy blue, grey, or dark green tight, high-waisted pants. Usually wears either a crop-top with a high neck (covers her collarbones) or a sports bra shirt thing. Usually wears leather (or another sturdy material) boots and a cropped jacket. Usually, its her gang jacket, but she has a few others.
personality: A planner. Likes to think things out and make plans. She's good at trouble-shooting and is very solution-oriented. She's very concerned with not have support or having her plans blow up. She can be pretty reactive (and a little mean when that happens). She's a very go-down-with-the-ship type and will hang on to relationships and people longer than most people. Very loyal because she fears being abandoned. Likes: feeling invincible, rain, coffee. Dislikes: feeling lonely, hot weather, overly sweet things
background: (TW for S*icide) When she was six her mother got in trouble with the police and was killed in the street. Two days later she found her father hanging in his bedroom doorway. She ended up on the street. She was able to keep herself alive for about a year. However, one day a factory worker had cornered her in an alleyway, when a person named Ren (who was 13 at the time) came and saved her. They took Nova under their wing and brought her into the gang. They taught her how to ride and fight anf stand up for herself.
motorcycle gang information: The Scarlet Lion Syndicate (or just the scarlet lions) (lowkey may have looked up fake gang names and mashed two together). Their mascot is a red/scarlet lion. Its painted on the back of their jackets. A little red mane sillouette is painted on the front top left corner of their jackets and on the side of their bikes. Most of their bikes are some combination of red, scarlet, grey, or black. The leader of the gang is named Theta, the second is command is Ren. The gang doesn't have a lot of male or masculine people, though there are expections to this.
other: I had a plot-ish idea? So the Scarlet Lions and your character's gang are rivals, right? I had an idea that the current leader of the Scarlet Lions isn't super harsh on your gang and Ren thinks she should be harsher. Then at a climatctic point in our character's relationship, Ren stages a mutiny, becomes the new leader of the gang, and plans a dangerous strike against your gang. And at this point Nova would be more loyal to your character and has to wrestle with her loyalty to your character vs her loyalty to Ren. Idk just an idea

@darling-velocipede group

(sick i love her!! i should be able to get my person up in the next few days. i actually already have a bit of a plan for the plot, and it's slightly lighter? my starting concept was the rival gangs to have some sort of fight on the street, and nova tries to kill my person, but instead the dumbass robot cops get them and throw them both in jail. they have to plan their escape together, and that's when the general ~chemistry~ that guides the rest of the story starts. but, now that i think about it, your plot could work really well to begin after they get out of prison! does that sound alright for you? if not, we can figure something else out :))

@Moxie group

(Yeah that sounds great! And don’t feel obligated to add my plot in, it was just an idea. If you like it, I’m good with doing it, but yeah!)

@darling-velocipede group

name: Cillian (pronounced sill-ee-an) Adel
age: 17
gender and pronouns: AFAB nonbinary, they/them
sexuality: Lesbian
appearance: Cillian is short, only about 5'4, but with a muscular frame and broad shoulders. Their mother was from India and their father from Mexico (or whatever the future equivalent is!), and they have amber-brown skin with dark brown eyes, verging on almost black, that they had artificially shot through with flecks of gold to make them immune to iris scanning and tracking. They have top surgery scars on their chest, as well as many smaller scars on their hands from splitting their knuckles during fistfights, as well as a big one on the top of their lip. Their typical outfit is simple, with dark, straight jeans and a brightly colored tank top, often yellow to match the colors of their gang. On occasion, they also wear some sort of silver chain necklace as well. Every day, they wear two chunky silver rings on their left hand and three on their right. They keep their black hair in a tight buzz cut most of the time, but opportunities for haircuts can get scarce in Nathe (our story takes place in the nathe precinct of sommarcity. yes i came up with these fantastic (read: a bit wack) names using a name generator. what of it), so sometimes it grows out a bit.
personality: Cillian is loud, impulsive, prone to fighting, and prone to drinking too much. Their gang encourages a lot of these behaviors, but unlike the rest of them, Cillian isn't good at knowing when to quit (see: the time they tried to fight an indestructible robot cop with their fists). In the gang, they mostly assume a role of a rough-'em-up type, going into confrontations with tasers and fists already swinging, which makes them a poor choice for any sort of diplomatic or trading work. However, they're also quite good at math and chemistry, thanks to their education in an upper-class family. Secretly, they are extremely touch starved, but fear initiating any sort of romantically intimate situation, not because of any trauma but because it is Scary irl okay?? Likes: rain, loud music, soft feeling things, dark chocolate, hard alcohol, holding hands (secretly). Dislikes: anyone they deem cowardly, orchestra music, children.
Not innately loyal, but pushed to be so by a lot of guilt…
background: Cillian likes to tell people they are an orphan from a lower class crime family who grew up around all sorts of well engineered scams, but in reality, the entire past they've told their gang about for the four years they've been with them has been a lie. Cillian grew up in a very wealthy household where both of their parents worked as scientists. When their father passed away from a sudden heart attack, their mother remarried and Cill could not cope and ran away to the dangerous Nathe precinct, looking for adventure. Because they chose this life and lied about it, they have a lot of guilt and are fiercely loyal to their gang as if they have some extra debt to pay off.
motorcycle gang information: The Saint Sunflowers (lmao name generator + sunflowers i am the most creative). Most distinctive trait is their black helmets with perfectly reflective mirrored gold goggles on the front, which help them see in Nathe's dense combination of smoke and mist created by the factories. Mixed genders and presentation. Lead by Finlay Blue (he/him, ace trans guy). Cillian is his right hand man, so to speak. Bikes are all roughly spray painted with silver, yellow, and black, as they don't have a large enough collective budget for fancy custom ones. The Saints mostly make their money from an illegal caffeine smuggling gig, taking caffeine pills banned by the city's Health and Drug Promise, and selling them for marked up prices to people on their way to jail.