forum “My dads my nemesis…” “Damn- you know he’s right behind you, right?” “Damnit-“
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

(it's also late… I can respond once or twice.) Winx burst into tears, knowing in her soul it was untrue, but the rest of fer believing everyone had abandoned her again, nobody cared, and people were just going to continue hurting her. "N-No.. Finn said h-he'd help me!" She protested weakly.


Aella knew Winnix was doubting, but that was fine
she would belive it soon enough.
She went and saw Finn when he was by himself.
"Finn, i have good news and bad news."
She sat next to Finn and gave him a small bracelet.
"The good news is, i found a braclet i thought you would like" She clipped in on around his wrist
The braclet was, infact, laced with obsidian
It would make hypnotiding him easier
"The bad news is…" She looked deep into Finns eyes, planting that small seed of doubt into his mind
"Winnix is plotting to kill you.."