forum mj and ice's excellent roleplay adventure
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

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Kaz cocked his head faintly, taking in Will's words with a raised eyebrow. He led Will back towards their bedroom, considering what he had said. "Are you insinuating that my advisor had something to do with this?" he questioned, voice low and careful and measured. He could see what Will was saying. But surely the man would not have been so stupid as to interfere in this. Surely his advisor would not have interfered with Will like this. He knew what Kaz did to those who betrayed him, and this…this was a betrayal. His gaze had darkened, brows settling and lip curling as the idea settled, took root.

@larcenistarsonist group

"Yes?" Will answers, but it's more hesitant than he would've liked. "I'm just thinking he's the only one that could possibly do something like that. Well, unless you have a known enemy within palace walls that would put a teleportation hex on me. It feels a little mild for someone actively wanting to harm you." If someone really wanted to get to Kazimir, they would abduct Will or kill him right in front of the Snake's eyes. The thought is unpleasant, but not as nauseating as he predicted. No, this couldn't be someone wanting to harm Kazimir. This has to be someone trying to push William far away from him, unknowing of how firm their bond truly is.


Kaz frowned faintly, shaking his head. "No. Your reasoning is sound. I simply…do not like that idea. My advisors, of all people, should know better than that." he grimaced, eyes narrowing for a moment. He would have to do something about this. Find the advisor and…deal with him. This was unacceptable behavior from a member of his council, and he would not stand for it. His advisors could not be allowed to think that they could behave like this towards his Martyr and get away with it.

@larcenistarsonist group

William nods, but doesn't further say anything. He slips a hand into the pocket of his trousers and studies the floor tile. There are patterns, but they've blurred together and William can't find the energy to try and decipher them anymore. It all looks the same. Everything looks the same. Tadpole chitters and curls himself around Will's thin body. Will fights back the affectionate smile towards the baby dragon. "Are you going to confront them?" he asks quietly. Today, hopefully. Will doesn't care for waking up in odd areas.


Kaz frowned, then nodded slowly. "Yes. I will." he replied, brows still pulled together in a frown. He really was not happy with this whole thing. The idea that his advisor would have gone behind his back like this, and would have done this to try and keep Will away from him…oh, this was not going to be a pretty confrontation. This advisor would pay for daring to interfere with him and his Martyr. "I'm going to take you back to our bedroom, and then I'm going to go find him."

@larcenistarsonist group

"Well, I'm at least thankful you're doing something about it, Kazimir," Will huffs. "Just don't." He pauses to sigh into Tadpole's head. "Just don't hurt the man. You can exile him or fire him from his duties just don't hurt him." After all, William himself hasn't even been harmed by the advisor's antics. It's been awfully irritating but overall unharmful. However, Will's temper momentarily flares when Kazimir announces that he'll just be going right back to the bedroom. "Can't I at least be granted the privilege for the garden or the library?" he sneers. The bedroom is an old sight, a boring one. At least he can explore the gardens and find something new to entertain himself with in the library. Plus, William cannot be trusted to prevent Tadpole from destroying something expensive.


Kaz frowned. "And why shouldn't I hurt him? He has had the audacity to try and interfere with my personal life, when he does not have that right. No one does. And he and everyone else needs to learn that." at Will's sneering question, he narrowed his eyes faintly. "I will ring for Ivan so taht he may accompany you, but yes. You can go to the garden of library if you wish. He just must accompany you, for safety reasons." Will was a human. He needed to be accompanied by a Fae of some sort, just for protection. And also so that he wouldn't go anywhere he wasn't supposed to.

@larcenistarsonist group

(apologies homeslice i went camping)

"Because you don't need to harm people when easier punishments would work. Fire your advisor, hell, even exile him." Will sighs, closing his eyes and wondering how their clashing ideals have ever been able to work. Will is prickly; Kazimir is standoffish. Will is curious; Kazimir is fiercely protective. Will can't stand to see people hurt; Kazimir is a warlord who profits off of their pain. William supposes this is exactly what makes them Fates. Polar opposites bound to love and destroy each other. "Fantastic, the boy who can't seem to stammer out more than a sentence." Will is by no means a conversationalist, but the least he could have is someone who can speak without stopping and starting again. William is not dangerous. 


(dkfbsjhbj yeah uhh,, i have no excuse but like here we are)

"Perhaps you scare him, my darling." Kaz replied smoothly, ignoring what Will had said about not needing to harm people. Kaz would do whatever the hell he wanted, as long as it meant that his advisor would leave Will alone. No one had the right to mess with his partner like that, to hurt him and frighten him and try to force distance between Will and Kaz. The advisor did not have that right, and Kaz was going to make sure that everyone knew that. Teaching the advisor a lesson would also show everyone else just what happened to those who dared to do something like this.

@larcenistarsonist group

(asdlkfjf uhhhh don't worry i don't even have an excuse for the marvel rp)

Will could almost laugh. Him? Scare another person? Please, he's just grouchy at most. Irritable, fairly decent with words, stubborn, standoffish–it's a miracle most people can even bear to stand him. He's fully aware of his usual unpleasantness filled with a reluctant responsibility to try and protect every living thing ever. It's exhausting really, to care so much and so little about everything. "I'm sure we can find some common ground," Will huffs, thinking about the anxious servant boy. "I don't think he's used to serving people who won't hurt him when he makes a mistake." People are always making mistakes. Much like a certain advisor that would certainly like Will to disappear in some non-lethal way. Will watches the tile, trying to find any sort of indication that could help him locate exactly where he is in this palace. One day he'll finally map out the identical, winding hallways.


(Dfgbsjkjhbg hello–)

"I have never hurt that boy." Kaz replied, frowning a little as he looked over at Will as they walked through the halls. "If that was intended as a dig at me, I haven't hurt Ivan in the time that he's been working here." after a bit longer, they arrived at the bedroom, and Kaz opened up the door. "I will ring for him now, while I go and… deal with that advisor." the Snake's voice was not all that pleasant, as he spoke about dealing with the advisor. After all, both Kaz and Will knew that while Kaz was presenting rather calm on the surface, he was not at all as calm as he seemed to be. There was a lot of rage boiling under that surface, though it was visible in his eyes and in the set of his mouth, tense and angry.

@larcenistarsonist group

(hello there)

"Oh, shall I throw a celebration?" Will snarls, rolling his eyes far enough into the back of his head. "Huzzah for the cruel Fate Snake. He hasn't hurt an innocent boy indentured to him yet." Not even wanting to see what Kazimir's reaction could be, Will marches into their bedroom (Gods, it's their bedroom) and finds his book, the ones with all the annotations from some distant past of Kazimir's. As much as it pains Will to admit, he can't say that he'll be surprised if there's a corpse in the throne room and a new advisor appointed in the morning. Really it… it shouldn't be Will's fault but–but this man will lose his life because William had the gall to show up unannounced and steal a King from a kingdom. He collapses face-first onto a chaise with the book at his side. He'll read it after he's done going through a brief bout of existential dread.


(where is Tadpole where is my son)

Kaz watched Will through narrowed eyes, lip curling faintly. "I do not know what sort of man you take me for, but I have never hurt an innocent person in this lifetime." there had been other lifetimes, yes, but he saw no reason to count previous lives against this one. "And if we are counting previous lifetimes, are not your hands stained in blood like mine?" he glided over to the mirror, adjusting the collar of his shirt and his hair, narrowing his eyes as he studied himself for a long moment before he turned to look at Will again, drinking in the sight of the man he had loved for lifetimes, memory flashing through his eyes. For how many lifetimes had they repeated this dance? Too many to count, now. Gods, Kaz was weary of it. And yet, he refused to let it end.

@larcenistarsonist group

(alsdfj uhhh tadpole is frolicking around the room and biting holes in Kazimir's things)

Will rolls his eyes and rolls over in bed so he's staring at the ridiculously ornate ceiling. Like, seriously, did Kazimir commission artists to paint every single pane? Gods. That sounds like a pain in the ass and Will does not envy the poor souls that had to do so. "Oh yes, like the wars you've waged had absolutely no civilian casualties," Will murmurs, hopefully not loud enough for Kazimir to hear because Will, frankly, does not want to continue this argument. Briefly, he finds his pet dragon on the floor, watching with slight amusement as he finds the drapes and begins to tug on them. Yes. Will silently encourages. Yes, please ruin every beautiful, lovely thing in this damn room. His eyes trail to the nightstand. Well. Except the books. Everything else is your free terrain.

Just replaying what Kazimir had just said, William almost wants to laugh. His hands? Stained with blood? Please. The only blood on his hands is Kazmir's. It's in his nature… it… it sickens him even seeing another bleed. His heart aches with the thought of ever bringing harm to another. He's supposed to be taking every bit of that pain. He's the Martyr, right? The Fate designed to die again and again and again until he can finally break the cycle and rest. Gods. Wouldn't it be nice to rest? Will closes his eyes and leans back against the plush pillows. He curls in on himself, wanting a blanket but not dedicated enough to pull one over him.


(good, Kaz deserves it)
(also uh hi hello)

Kaz, luckily for Will, either did not hear the comment, or willfully ignored it. He glanced around the room and his eyes found Tadpole, a sharp sigh leaving him as he saw what the little dragon was doing. But, ah well. He could always replace the drapery if need be, and he had a feeling that asking Will to control the creature wouldn't go over well at the moment. It would just end up prolonging this little fight of theirs, and he was loathe to do so. Instead, he rang for Ivan and headed into the bathroom to clean himself up, making himself look sharp and presentable for meeting with that advisor. The man would regret doing this to Kaz's partner.

@larcenistarsonist group

As soon as Kazimir is gone, Will sits up in the bed, surveying the room for anything he can do to keep himself occupied. The boy, Ivan, as Will should probably call him, is such dreadful company. The boy is nice, sure, but without an ounce of entertainment to help Will get through the days. He supposes he has a little dragon now, which should be entertaining to teach tricks and riddles… Perhaps Will can convince the tiny creature to… well, harmlessly destory a few of Kazimir's expensive items. Really, sometimes Will wonders if he's literally just asking for Kazimir to speed this all up and just drive a knife through his heart, but honestly, William could do much  better than his current body. He stands just a few inches over five feet tall and has a frame as wide as a twig. It takes hardly anything to bruise his pale skin and his bones are as brittle as fine glass. He has no possible muscle to take on the Snake, so he has to wait. He has to try and outsmart Kazimir in this life. If he fails… well, he can at least hope his next body will have enough power to put an end to all their prolonged suffering.

"Tadpole," Will calls softly, catching the tiny dragon's attention. He stops abruptly from where he's gnawing at the curtains and carefully pulls away. Will notes with a swell of satisfaction that his new pet has already torn a large hole into the fabric. "Hello sweet thing," he coos as the creature leaps onto the bed and paces right over to Will's awaiting lap. Maybe he'll read and stroke Tadpole's scaly forehead to pass the time.