forum Looks like an angel…walks like an angel…talks like an angel…but they’re the devil in disguise.
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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"I'm from Canada. Pretty nice there, but its really cold." Russel took a seat next to Antonio. He again looked into those eyes. They were too knowing, too cautious. This man had many secrets. Dangerous secrets, judging by the haunted look very deep in the eyes. Most people wouldn't notice. But Russel did.

I'm going to figure out your secrets–all of them, Russel thought.

"So what was it like in Italy?" he asked.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Antonio hums, smiling. His eyes seemed to reminisce of better days. Oh it was amazing…Absolutely beautiful place. I would strongly suggest a trip there if you want to take a vacation. He chuckles and sighs. Just by his chuckle, you could tell his voice was deep. You know…I towered over a lot of people there. Most Italians are quite short. Course my father was incredibly tall so I got his genetics.

He then laughs. It was pretty loud, but it was one of those hearty laughs that could get a whole room laughing. He definitely did not hold back on his emotions. What about your parents?

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"My parents? Oh, well, I never knew my father. My mom was the sweetest thing though. Black hair, pretty short. I must've got my height from my father also. Mom used to joke that he was like a tree… back when she still joked…" He fell silent at that, leaving it hanging. Just like how his mom was hanging onto life. I will win my next case, he silently vowed, I will win it for you mom.
(tragic backstory? check and check)

@Eli-the-transboi group


Antonio frowns slightly, then gently places his hand on Russel’s shoulder. I’m sorry… he sighs. I understand fully…I hope I can help. In any way possible. he lets a comfortable sort of silence take hold of the two for a while, as if to silently morn. Then after a moment, he tries to lighten the mood.

What do you do for work? I’m a lawyer and also a detective. I’ve been working on the mystery murder cases for about two years now. He smiles, trying to get his new acquaintance to smile as well.

@Eli-the-transboi group

(Attention everyone reading! (And bestie I’m rping with) There is a gap in the amount of time that these murders have happened. Don’t worry! That information will be put out soon! If I have already disclosed this information, then we’re good. If not then I’ll settle things real soon ^^)

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"Oh interesting." Russel had given up talking while he signed, and now was only using sign language.
"I am also a detective and lawyer. You said you've been working on the murder cases for two years now? I only just started. I've been at my job for about 4 months now, and I'm loving it." Russel felt deeply unsettled that this man, this dangerous man was working on the same thing as him. "Do you have any good leads?" he asked. "You don't have to tell me, but if your willing I would love to discuss this case with you."

@Eli-the-transboi group

He sighs. Sadly I’m not really allowed to disclose any information… He thinks for a moment. Well…if I see your identification and certificate then sure. I’ll tell you. I’m sure you already know you’ll get into trouble if you start bragging about these kinds of things. He rolls his eyes. See that’s one thing I hate about the government! They’re so unfair and unjust! Like- imagine taking an abuser to jail, then letting them go! And when they do the same damn thing, they can’t take them to jail again! he throws up his hands in annoyance.

Thats why I became a lawyer. So I could bring justice to these jerks. he huffs, tapping his foot. Anyway- sorry about that ramble. You can probably see how frustrated I am. He looks at Russel, his eyes softening. Where was I?

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Russel pulled out his certification and showed it to Antonio. "You were about to tell me what you think of these murders. How about we do it over a cup of coffee. I know a great place."
Russel stood up, wary of Antonio, who was still sitting. "I am also frustrated at the government. I have many issues with them, and not enough time to fix anything. What a sad world we live in." Russel blinked at Antonio. "Come on. Coffee is better for doing lots of sign language in one sitting. My hands are getting tired. Let's go."

@Eli-the-transboi group

Antonio looked and the papers closely, then nods. At the remark of going out for coffee, he grins. You asking me on a date? He laughs and stands, nodding. You’ll be able to speak and me actually understand you. Usually coffee places are much quieter. And yes…I’d love to come.

He smiles and puts his ring adorned hands in his pockets, a playfully smug grin on his lips. His long, curly hair covered up his hearing aids, making him look like just an average guy. No problems at all. Nothing…

Antonio followed his acquaintance as he was lead to the coffee shop, taking in the smell of baked goods and freshly brewed coffee. He always enjoyed that calming scent that followed such a warm little place. It was like a small slice of paradise to relax to.

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"So," Russel says, taking a sip of his coffee, "What do you think of the murders so far? I personally think its the same person each time, though many others disagree. They say that it isn't organized enough to be the same person each time, but I think that's a load of bullshit. Anybody competent enough to kill that many people is obviously competent enough to make it look like it was done by several different people. But I digress. Tell me what you think."
Russel took a long pull of coffee, waiting for Antonio to speak.

@Eli-the-transboi group

(It’s cool!)

Antonio smiles, taking a sip of his coffee. He then signs, I believe there’s multiple people working together…like a cult of some sort. I’ve also noticed the more caught…the more murders. So maybe they’re recruiting more and more people. It’s…strange to say the least. he takes another sip, smiling warmly as he relaxes.

I do also believe the more we catch…the worse this is gonna get. I’m trying to convince the judge to wait until we find the source…then arrest the rest of them.

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(serious writers block rn. do you mind if i come back to this tmrw?)

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"Why do you think there are multiple murderers? I mean, any cop worth his donuts can see a connection in the way they were murdered, and in who they were. Pretty much all of them were shitty people, before they were murdered, that is. And I can't help thinking, maybe the murders were justified…"* Russel took a sip of coffee. "You probably think I'm crazy for saying that though."

@Eli-the-transboi group

Antonio chuckles softly, drinking from his cup and looking at Russel over the rim. He then sets the cup down and smiles. I don’t think you’re crazy at all. I feel the same way. And you’re probably right… He hums softly as he leans back.

I suppose that this person has their reasons… He shrugs, Sadly many don’t understand that. We should at the very least question him. He seems to be onto something here…maybe he just was hurt… he picks up his cup and takes another sip of his coffee.

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(im really feeling the writers block right now. do you mind if i take a little break?)