forum Lol hi (Closed OxO with Maglohydra)
Started by @andrew flash_on

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@andrew flash_on

"It's more like. . . I reach into my world, where I can manipulate everything freely and without consequences, and will certian things - like clothes or alcohol - into existance." she shrugs, stripping where she is and getting itno the new, sturdy clothing.

@andrew flash_on

"Well, not really. True gods are much, much more powerful than me. I can only effectively do it in this world. The New Lights or the Old Gods can do it with any world, while they're in this one." she chuckles, examining Arthur and adjusting a few of the straps and whatnot before nodding, satisfied.

@andrew flash_on

"Eh. Life gets boring. Then I meet interesting people like you, who seem intrigued by the inner workings of other worlds." she chuckles, walking along with Arthur. "Besides, my world is so rich in history and culture that it seems unfair to hoard it all, you know?"

@andrew flash_on

"I mean. . . disregarding the possible avalanches, snowstorms, frost wyrms, wyverns, dire bears, dire wolves, shades, animated sets of haunted armor, wights, draugr and other various nasties? Yeah, this should be fun!" she replies. It was very hard to tell if she was joking or not.

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

Arthur decides to check his bag for anything useful. He had a rock, his dictionary, and way too many books;. He mutters to himself, "I knew I should've practiced sword play, but nooo, I just had to waste those 5 decades on crochet…. I guess I'll have to stick with the dictionary." He pulls out his enchanted Dictionary. "Ok, I'm ready!"

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

Arthur shrugs a little. "I mean, I've learned a decent bit of magic. I can enchant some stuff, and I know some 1st level spells. So I am capable of learning magic, yeah. Kind of the only reason I'm alive, if i had no magical potential, the vampire bite would have turned me into a mindless Spawn, instead of a full sentient vampire. So yes, unless you're talking about something completely different."

@andrew flash_on

Rayla grins. "Then this should be easy. Hold out your right hand, palm facing directly in front of you, arm straight."

She does it herself.

@andrew flash_on

Rayls chuckles. "For this next part, I want you to imagine your mana, or whatever you call it - basically what you use to cast speall - flowing to your hand and through it. Don't let it escape, just let it circulate there for a bit. If your hand starts glowing, don't worry, that's perfectly normal."

As she was talking, she was slowly demonstrating how with a transparent diagram of Arthur's mind and body, and how the magic should flow.

Her own hand was creating a nimbus of purple and orange light with jet black streaks running through it.

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

Arthur followed the instructions, focusing his magic through his arm. It feels a little warm, and almost immediately, his hand started glowing. A swirl of yellow and blue light shimmers from his arm, and it felt quite warm.

@andrew flash_on

Rayla laughs delightedly. "Even with a demonstration, people usually fail the first few times. Good job."

She takes a deep breath, now continuing on with her demonstration. "Now this is the fun part, where you learn the easy way to cast broken spells. Simply imagine what the magic looks like, and let it come into existance by itself. Don't try to force it - that's how the Abyss in this world was created. Simply let the magic free."

She creates a single drop of water, at a point 50 meters in front of both her and Arthur, which then splits into multiple other droplets of water, with small little discs below them. The first drop of water lets a tiny bit fall, and then every single other droplet does the same. They start boucing around very rapidly from droplet to droplet, only a tiny shimmer indicating the presence of the many fast moving bits.

@andrew flash_on

"Things like what I just cast. Basically, divine or world level spells capable of killing pretty much everything up to and including a Wyvern." she chuckles.

@andrew flash_on

(Not really- Rayla does have her own limitations, like she can't influence the direct fate of the world, only shape the earth and space itself to help heros win; she only uses her magic in the occassional skirmishes with upper level demons, and the rest of the time she's researching and creating new spells; I'm not sure what Arthur's whole deal is anyways, so it's up to you what his limits are ;-;)