forum L’amore non è bello, se non è litigarello // closed // oxo
Started by @knightinadream group

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She waved him off with a smile. "Nah, I was fine. Almost broke my nose though, that was scary." She laughed. "But it's cute that you care." She didn't even realize she said it, her mind already moved on.

She did a couple more stretches before raising an eyebrow at Adone. "And who's the one who should be giving himself luck? Unlike you, I'm actually good at this game."

@knightinadream group

Adone squinted. There goes that c word again. So far, in the last twenty-four hours, he has been called this word, "cute", by the same girl. He doesn't know how to feel about this. On the other hand, his face hasn't been pinched or his hair hasn't been constantly fluffed yet. And yet, his heart feels like it's having small palpitations.

"I do not need luck, all I need is strategia. Okay?" He shifted his weight onto his left foot. Walking off to the side, he took his shirt, gently folded it, then sat it on top of his sandals. Rolling his shoulders back, he sighed, "My mom is going to kill me if I get that shirt ruined from playing football."

"So are we going to play now, or what?"


Frenchie froze up when he suddenly tugged his shirt off, her sudden blush running down her neck to her chest. She looked away, covering her eyes. "Ah! My eyes! They burn! Warn a girl next time before you just start removing clothing." She huffed, hoping her voice didn't show her embarrassment or how her hands were shaking in time with her heartbeat.

She couldn't explain why seeing Adone like this suddenly made her stomach twist in ways she didn't know it could and her face flush hotter than ever in her life. Her assumption was that she'd only ever seen this kind of thing in movies or books, she never thought it could actually or would actually happen.

@knightinadream group

It is his fault for not giving a warning. He covered his mouth until the laughter was suppressed. Adone just could not get over the look on Frenchie's face. It is "cute" to him. Lowering his chin, he looked down at his chest before returning his gaze to her. "Okay, I will always give warning from now on," He said. "But really, if I fall with that shirt on and get different kinds of stains, I will be six feet under after dinner."

Trust him whenever he says he is smart, but his brain is still a loading computer. Like something hitting him behind his head, he realized something. His face was flushed. His breathing was slow and deep. "You know…" He walked up to Frenchie, booping the tip of her nose. "I could go put it on if you want to, unless you like what you see. Am I still cute, Farfallina?"

Staring down at her, he gently kicked the ball to the right. Once he got it a little bit away from her, Adone acted quickly by kicking it into the makeshift goal. He swung too far out than normal then ended up losing his balance. "Cazzo," He muttered to himself after falling onto the ground.


She only blushed harder, not that she thought it was possible but apparently it was, at his question. As she struggled to find her words, he caught her off guard and scored. Though she did appreciate his falling over, considering it silent punishment for his teasing. "That's what you get for distracting me." She giggled, trying to tame her blush.

"And who says I was calling you cute? When did I ever say that?" She raised an eyebrow as she went to retrieve her ball. "You said it earlier too, how prideful of you to assume it was you I was talking about."


@knightinadream group

Quickly, he got back up again. See? He knew he would fall; he probably would've ruined his shirt. She is blushing and that is making him blush too. Her giggles sent a shiver down his spine. Gazing at the ground, he rubbed the back of his neck while taking deep breaths.

His lips went to the left side as he titled his head. Adone looked up as if to recall a memory then glanced back at Frenchie. "Just moments ago. You were bouncing the ball and complaining about your neck because of those 'damn tall people'." He strolled right up to her. "And then I believed you said, 'Him and his stupid, cute face.' Unless you danced with some other tall Sicilian boy with a stupid, cute face….then I must be 'prideful' as you also said."

(i ship them so much)


Her stomach twisted at being caught red-handed but she refused to let him win. Not like this. This was supposed to be her day, her story. She had to say something to throw him off, it was too soon for this.

She reached up and pushed him back by his face. "You're also assuming I'm talking about last night and not something that happened before I got here. Again, prideful." She retrieved her ball and easily got her shot around him to score. "Now we're tied."

@knightinadream group

"Che cos-" Adone stumbled back a bit before standing still again. He watched as she scored. Shaking his hand, his hands went back to resting on his hips. Prideful? He isn't being prideful. No way in God's forsaken name is he!

Storming over, he took the ball back and rolled it far enough to kick. Except, he swiftly kicked it into his goal. "There, 2 to 1." It wasn't a mistake though, he just used it to get back into their conversation. "No I am not assuming, I knew that you were," He stated.

"Last night you said you haven't danced with any other boys before because you are not a good dancer. That whole time we were dancing, we were looking into each other's eyes. You barely looked away and that's why you're neck is stiff because of me, one of those damn tall people, and my stupid, cute face."


She sucked on her teeth for a second before dribbling the ball back into the field. "You seem to forget that I'm 5'4". Everyone's taller than me and I don't need to be dancing with someone to have to crane my neck up to look at them or find them cute."

She slid through his legs to make an easy shot to the goal. "Tied again. You make a lot of assumptions. Are you always this unbearably overconfident or am I just lucky today." She snorted with a roll of her eyes.

(She's so cute when she's in denial)

@knightinadream group

He laughed, "No, I don't think that I would forget." She must be playing some sort of other game with him too. Well, he certainly will not let her win this. He might be letting her win their whole football game, but he is not going to let her win this other game they're playing. Hmmm well….Maybe, just maybe, but he will not admit defeat yet.

Adone smirked. He rolled his shoulders back and proudly responded, "Both, apparently." Turning around, he kicked the ball into the goal again then turned back. "Now, Farfallina, what time do I 'pick you up' for gelato?"

(she is, i love her so much)


She stumbled over her words for a minute, her face flushing pink. "How about sunset? I don't know times here and nothing good happens in a tourist city before sunset so that sounds nice." Frenchie tried to fight back her smile at the idea of going and getting actual gelato in an Italian city but she couldn't, grinning excitedly.

"But I guess I should let you get back to work. Don't need you getting in trouble because of me. Even if it would be pretty funny to watch Aunt Lina chew you out for not taking care of her pansies." She laughed.

@knightinadream group

Does she know how bright her smile is? Adone could just feel the excitement coming off just by looking at it. The way she grins along with how pink her face is, it's a perfect combination. "Sunset is a perfect time…It's great…I mean…I mean…." He shook his head. He has no idea where that was going. "I will pick you up at eight then."

He ambled back over to where his shirt and sandals were. As he slipped his shirt back on, he felt the heat clinging to him. Then he sat on the ground to put his sandals back on. "Oh how kind of you," He chuckled as he picked up the watering can. "I already got chewed out by my mom this morning about last night. She was wondering who's the pretty girl I was dancing with last night."


Frenchie snorted with a roll of her eyes. "Clearly she needs to get her eyes checked. I'm a lot of things and I've been called a lot of things. Pretty has never been one of them. Tomboyish, aggressive, loud, that I can agree with." She wandered to Adone's side, deciding that it was her responsibility to bother him until he left.

She had never seen her aunt's flower garden but she bragged about it in her letters home. And she had a right to. It was a pretty extensive garden that was in pristine condition. Frenchie glanced around the garden and picked one from the side, twirling it in her fingers with a smile. It was an orchid, light blue in color. "I've always loved orchids. I just think they're so pretty."

@knightinadream group

Despite having Frenchie there next to him, he went back to work, or at least tried to. He shook his head, "I don't know, I think she's right. She does like tomboyish and loud, those are two of her favorite things….Maybe I need to get my eyes checked then." His eyes wandered around at the flowers and plants. Some he watered yesterday and don't need watered again today. He bit his bottom lip.

Adone watched Frenchie, taking in her grin as well as the way her eyes sparkled. He was not able to fight the resistance of smiling himself. Orchids, speficially light blue ones, he committed the flower to memory. He nodded, looking at her, "I think they're beautiful actually." Immediately after saying that, he went back to focusing on the plants. "Very beautiful underneath the Sicilian sun for sure."


She pulled her hair down from its ponytail to rearrange it, sticking the flower behind her ear. "What do you think? Does it soften me?" She laughed, twirling a piece of hair around her finger and staring off in the distance like a stock photo.

This was nice. Being able to let her guard down a little and just bug someone good-naturedly. It was probably the closest she'd get to feeling at home until she actually went back and could tease her own little brother.

@knightinadream group

"Soften you?" Looking over his shoulder, he paused. Almost everything within him did. His Adam's apple lightly bobbed. A soft grin appeared on his face. "You don't need to be softened, you look good, bella. You compliment the orchid," He breathed. "I wish I had a camera so I could take a picture of you right now."

So he let his eyes linger just a little bit longer in order to capture her in the moment. Once the hairs on the back of neck stood, he titled the watering can, watching as the water poured into the soil.


She hid her face in her hands, biting her tongue to not squeal in embarrassment as butterflies threatened to explode out of her stomach. She poked his side instead. "Shut up, now you're just trying to get a reaction out of me." She hummed, flustered and unwilling to admit she liked the attention.

Frenchie had never needed anyone else's attention. Or so she had thought. She thought she was okay by herself, that she was all she needed. But now Adone was here and giving her all the attention she'd never gotten from boys back home. Was that why she liked it so much? It must be. It wasn't that Adone was really cute and his smile made her heart forget how to function for a second. It was just that she was new to things. Yeah, that was it.

(Someone call the dentist, it's too sweet. I'm getting cavities)

@knightinadream group

He kept on smiling. Not for the fact that he had caused her reaction, but because of her reaction. Yes, he admits that her face with her hands is one of the cutest and funniest things he has ever seen. And yet, Adone was only smiling until he felt something poking his side causing him to jump.

Still even after calming himself down and taking a deep breath, his gaze returned to her. He shook his head, "No I was not. You should already know that you are beautiful, especially last night too in that dress you wore. You made the dress even prettier. It's true, I swear to God that I am not trying to make you react in any way."


"You think so?" She smiled shyly, bashful now. "I thought it was a bit girlish. I've always been told that dresses make me look younger. I've been mistaken for a child almost every single time I've ever worn a dress. I've never felt pretty or elegant, just kind of like a little girl playing dress-up."

She cleared her throat, trying to regain some composure. What was up with her? One guy gives her attention and she falls apart? Gives some compliments and she melts? Who was this girl, it certainly wasn't Frenchie. Not the Frenchie that made other teams shudder in fear when she stepped on the field. Not the Frenchie that terrorized her neighborhood all summer. And certainly not the Frenchie that had only needed herself to get by for the past 18 years.

@knightinadream group

"Mhm," He quickly nodded, hoping that she knew he wasn't lying. Adone did everything in his power to give her his full attention. Wherever it wandered to looking too deeply into her eyes or the way her hair fell down behind her back, he got a shiver down his spine. Briefly, he thought back to last night and the dress she wore. It didn't make her look younger, not at all. "I thought you looked like a beautiful woman. I mean you are one. Even if you haven't felt that way before too. Elegant and pretty isn't needed to be you."

The words he said haven't hit him yet. He just went back to staring into those brown eyes of hers. By the time that it did, he lowered his chin, deciding it would be better to look at the ground rather than turning his back. Something is taking over his mind and it is making him feel like his heart is going to explode. At this rate, it just might.


She forced herself to look up at him, to make eye contact with those damning eyes that caught her attention so fully. "Do you do this with every girl you meet or am I just lucky." It was the same question she'd asked earlier but slightly different. She shifted on her feet, feeling so out of her element. This was uncharted waters, wading into the untouched sea that was her heart.

But she couldn't help herself. Everything about him drew her in, made her want more. To know more, to feel more, to experience more. There was something electric about it. His clumsy American accent made her heart flutter, his laughter made her shiver, there was too much to know about.

@knightinadream group

He tried to move his feet in order to turn, but they stayed still. His hand stayed on the back of his neck. The question made his heart panic. Should he admit it? Will Frenchie not like him if he says it? Why is he assuming that Frenchie likes him? He wonders if it is possible to like a girl that you just met the night before and whether or not it is normal to.

Adone kept his gaze down at his shoes. His voice fell quiet. "You are the first girl that I've talked to this way," He finally admitted. His weight shifted to his left foot. Yes, his heart might actually explode at any minute now. "You're lucky, I guess."


Her heart fully stopped for a minute, giving her stomach time to do a complete somersault. But she couldn't help her smile, her body moving without her mind making her. She slipped in front of Adone, putting herself right in his line of sight. "You can't hide by looking down, it only makes it easier for me to see." She giggled softly.

Frenchie walked her fingers up his chest and neck, pausing to cup his jaw in her hand. "Doesn't this feel familiar?" She questioned with a tilt of her head. What was she doing, she wasn't totally sure. But every fiber of her being was screaming kiss him.

@knightinadream group

Though it may seem foolish, he is timid about his feelings. The way his heart is sore from all the beating. How it is actually not the summer heat but rather his body. All those giggles and laughs sending shivers down his back. Let no one forget the fact that he kept holding the cheek that Frenchie kissed all night, even in his sleep. Not to mention him internally freaking out when she called him cute earlier. And now…oh boy, he doesn't even know where to begin. He might pass out for heaven's sake.

His eyes watched as her fingers went up his chest and to his jaw. Adone let out a sigh while naturally melting into her touch. Words could not form in his mouth no matter how hard he tried. In order to calm down, he deeply exhaled. His chest heaved as it expanded then collapsed. He shook his head, taking a step forward. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he responded with a smirk, "I am afraid it doesn't. I can't seem to remember."


He was so close, her brain wasn't processing things properly. His warmth that drew her in closer at every moment, his arms which now trapped her against his chest, and those damn eyes that she couldn't escape. Not that she really wanted to. It was like time was moving in slow motion, everything given extra moments to be just perfect.

She raised herself onto her toes and pressed their foreheads together, faces so close she could feel her own breath bounce back against his skin. She wrapped her other arm around his shoulders, resting her hand in the hair at the nape of his neck. "How about now?" Her voice was soft, intimate, like speaking any louder would break the spell they were under.