forum L’amore non è bello, se non è litigarello // closed // oxo
Started by @knightinadream group

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@knightinadream group

He shook his head. "No, let's let it be one! Gelato date tonight and….maybe a….what's it called again? The thing where you put food in a basket and go somewhere outside to eat? I was thinking we do that by the beach." Yes his antics are making him all up and over the place, but forgetting words is something he will always do.

"I just thought gelato was because you won the game fair and square," He added. Adone did his best to fix his hair, even though the black oily thing would never truly be neat. Looking down at his wrist, he noticed he still had the hair tie. "Oh" He rolled it off then held it up. "Do you want this?"


She couldn't help but laugh at his antics. "You mean a picnic? Yeah, that sounds really nice. I haven't been to the beach in forever." His forgetfulness was adorable, it was nice to see that she affected him just as much as he affected her.

Feenchie was a little surprised when he offered the hair tie. She'd forgotten he had it. "Uh, yeah. Thanks. Actually, can you put it up for me? I want it out of my face but don't feel like doing it myself. Besides, you can see so much better up there."

@knightinadream group

"You haven't? Forever?" It was a strange thing for him to hear. They are not even far from it. Well, he has been living in Syracuse for his whole life, but he assumes that Frenchie does not. The States are big after all, the map of it always fascinates him. "Wait, where are you from? I feel stupid for asking you this now, but since you brought up not being to the beach, it makes me wonder."

He smiled, "With pleasure." Adone hummed softly as he carefully gathered up her hair and used the hair tie to tie it up in a bun. She said she wanted it out of her face so he thought a bun would do the job. "Like this?" He asked, stepping forward and resting his chin on her shoulder.


Frenchie just rolled her eyes with a smile. "Yes, forever. I'm from New Jersey. Which is by the Atlantic Ocean. My family has just never had time for vacations or trips. And even when I was old enough to go with friends or on my own, I was always too busy with school and practice."

She leaned back into his touch as he pulled up her hair for her, humming softly. She smiled a little when she felt his head on her shoulder, turning to kiss his cheek. "Yes, that's fine Adone. Thank you."

@knightinadream group

Adone's eyes lit up with excitement. New Jersey, that's a funny name to him. "I think I know where that one is and it's near New York and the other one….." He said with determination. "You should go when you can, I am sure it is nice over there too, but it's not like Syracuse and Sicily."

He sighed at the feeling of her kiss, though he was about to jump from the goosebumps that followed afterwards. Oh if only he knew how to describe how he felt at that moment without stuttering and switching from Italian and English. "Is it normal for boys in America to tell a beautiful girl, like you, that they like you after you made out with them twice? Like really really like you?"


Frenchie blushed heavily, looking away for a second. "I mean, I think it's normal. Why? Do you want to? Do you have something to tell me?" She teased before kissing his cheek again. She was having far too much fun with this.

But she'd be lying if she said his admission didn't make her heart skip a beat. That his being so close didn't make her skin tingle and cause goosebumps wherever they touched. That everything about him didn't make her absolutely melt.

@knightinadream group

He didn't know what to say, he kept lightly laughing at her teasing and the kisses. It took him a minute to compose himself. "You know what? I do have something to tell you, but since you are in Italy, let me say it to you in Italiano, okay?"

Removing his chin from her shoulder, he moved his lips to her ear. His arms wrapped neatly around Frenchie's waist, pulling her into him. He whispered, "Mi piaci. Mi piaci così tanto, Francesca…Frenchie…mia Farfallina….Non importa come ti chiamo, mi paci cosí tanto." After kissing her cheek, he returned to putting his chin on her shoulder again.


It took her brain a minute to translate everything but when it did, she completely melted. Her face was completely red, stumbling over her words as she attempted to make any kind of coherent sentence. Why did he have to have such a potent affect on her?

When her brain booted back up from its emergency shut down, she managed to say something in return. She took a breath before speaking. "Non ho motivo di amare qualcuno che ho appena incontrato, ma comincio a pensare che tu me ne abbia dato uno. Io… anch'io ti amo. Anche se non ho un nome per chiamarti diverso dal tuo."

@knightinadream group

His gaze flickered to the mirror in front of them. The corners of his lips curved up into a soft beam. Adone stared back at it, but his eyes wandered up to Frenchie and her blushed face. Not long after, he felt warmth spreading through his face. His eyes widened as he looked at her.

Slightly moving his head up, he kissed her again. He just could not resist the urge to. "Non preoccuparti," He assured. It was a minute or so until he spoke again, mostly because his mind just switched back to English out of the blue. "You have already called me stupid and cute on multiple occasions, and I just get happy when you day my name. Don't worry, my Farfallina."


"Does that mean you want me to use it more often?" She giggled, raising an eyebrow at him. "Or would you prefer me to find you a name like you've found one for me? Because I can do both." She thought for a second before snapping her fingers.

"Adonis. Why didn't I think of it sooner? Thats what I'll call you. Adonis was a lover of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of beauty. Plus, it basically just means a really handsome guy so I mean, it works in both definitions."

(Why didn't I think of this sooner?)

@knightinadream group

Adone shrugged. "It does not matter. I like your voice, it makes my name sound beautiful when you say it. Even when you call me stupid or cute," He breathed. He hid his face in her neck before moving it away at the sound of fingers snapping.

"Hm? Adonis?" He repeated. His eyes squinted until he went back to his gleaming self and nodded. "Ah, I feel for a genius," He whispered. "Adone is Italian for Adonis after all….I guess I am the lover of this beautiful goddess right here. And I am handsome. My Nonna named me, she loved mythology; always took me to see the statues of gods and goddesses. I should take you to a museum, would you like to, my Farfallina?"


She giggled, turning to peck his lips with a smile. "I would love nothing more, my Adonis." Frenchie felt near giddy. She finally had a name for him and now he kept complimenting her and making her brain go all mushy.

What was happening to her. Who was she. What had happened to the girl half a week prior who was on her way to Italy and who's first intention when this man opened his mouth was to kick him, not kiss him. Where had she gone. Honestly, she wasn't sure she wanted to know.

@knightinadream group

Sighing at the feeling of the light peck, he felt like it was the first time they had kissed. It was not long ago, but that is what he felt. Adone shook his head, going back to hiding his face. He could not help it. With all the giddiness and the tightness in his chest, he strangely felt a bit shy. Besides, if he kisses her again, he does not know when he could stop.

And he liked staying like this, holding Frenchie with his arms around her. He even liked how his brain feels all mushy and fuzzy from all the kissing and just about the way she talks, calls him by the nickname she came up with for him. Yes his hair is very very messy and yes he has gotten kicked, straddled, crashed into, and pretty sure foot stomped by her. On the other hand, his heart is full of butterflies or maybe with just one little butterfly.


(I will never be able to get enough of your writing style it's just soooo satisfying (and I saw what you did the "one little butterfly" thing, that was adorable))

Frenchie wished she could stay here like this forever. In Adone's arms, cuddling together in this small space where she didn't have anything to worry about. But she knew her aunt would be back at any second and if anyone found them, they'd be in massive trouble. She sighed quietly, what a flight of Icarus she'd gotten herself into. It would be a balancing act but one she was more than willing to do.

She'd do it in a heartbeat. To keep this feeling of warmth, of wholehearted acceptance, of overwhelmingly sweet love that he gave her. The lightheaded giddiness, the rush of excitement, the slow spreading of satisfaction through her veins. What she wouldn't give to hold it forever, to never let him go.

@knightinadream group

(Aww thank you, I'm glad that it is. I like putting little details like "one little butterfly". Frenchie and Adone so cute, I love them)

Is it normal for someone like him to like cuddles? Adone always wondered that, but then again, in a moment like now, he is as close to Frenchie as he possibly can be. His heart is thumping against his chest, but the comfort and love from her assures every beat of it. He just wished he could hold on to her right now now a little bit longer.

Then again, her aunt can come back and they will be in trouble; he does not want to ruin anything. "Farfallina, I am going to let go," He whispered. "Your aunt should be coming back any moment now." Adone did let go, but before he stepped out, he placed a deep kiss on her lips. Then he unlocked the door and stepped out. "You look beautiful," He winked before rushing to close the door and lean against the wall.


Before she could even process what was happening, he was gone. She blinked for a second before he brain caught up with reality. Her face flushed and a smile spread across it before she buried her face in her hands and squealed. She never thought she'd be one to squeal like a middle school girl but here she was, absolutely smitten and unable to do anything else.

Frenchie looked at herself in the mirror once again. She looked over the dress and twirled. When she saw it, she thought it had been too feminine, that wearing it would undermine her personality. But seeing it now and knowing what Adone thought, it changed her opinion. She didn't feel like a tomboy in high school in a girl's dress. She felt like a pretty girl going into college in a cute dress. She smiled and shook her head. What was this boy doing to her?

@knightinadream group

His feet were wobbly. Everything was wobbly. He was not able to manage to stand against the wall for a whole minute. Adone slid down and ended up sitting on the floor. His face, though partially masked by his natural deep tan, was flushed beyond what he thought was possible. And naturally, he cupped his face.

To be honest, he may have pinched himself twice to see if this was not a dream. They are in a clothing store! Now he has seen way too many American romance movies, but he did not expect to be a reality. Of course all the things he said weren't from movies, they were from his own mind and heart. And he was speechless. Absolutely speechless.


Frenchie tried to calm herself before changing out of the dress and into her normal clothes, stepping out of the changing room with the dress in hand. "And what exactly are you doing on the floor? Was I so jaw dropping it made you weak at the knees?" She teased with a giggle.

She knew she was not one to be talking considering how much of an affect he had on her. But it was fun to poke fun and tease him, being able to see his cute reactions and how his face blushed under his tan.

@knightinadream group

Looking up at her, his pupils were wide. Adone just stared back at Frenchie, still cupping his warm face. He sat up as the giggle sent goosebumps down his neck. Should he say something? He is not sure what to say. All his mind kept thinking of was cuddles, kisses, dancing with her, laughing with her, just staring into her eyes, and his dreams.

Hesitantly, he nodded his head. "Would you not believe me if I said so?" He responded back. "Short blonde American girls with undeniable strength make my knees weak, I can't help it."


She gasped, stepping back in mock offense. "Who is this blonde girl? Where is she?" Frenchie whipped her head around dramatically, looking for someone she knew wasn't there. "The only person I know around here who matches that description has brown hair." She knew he didn't mean to mess up but she was an older sister, it was her job to capitalize on mistakes.

She bit her lip in an attempt to hide her smile. Which failed but at least she tried. There were some moments where she felt like she was on cloud nine with the boy of her dreams and then others where she was just playing around with her little brother. This dude just couldn't decide what to make her feel.

@knightinadream group

Blonde? Adone face palmed himself. Is his brain really that bad? Did he just confuse blonde and brown? Oh how he must really be stupid. His words and grades from school mount to nothing. Hiding his face with his hands, he shook his head. "I can't believe myself," He chuckled. "I am going to call the police because you stole my brain. You distracted me with love in order to steal it. Well my Farfallina, you can't get away with this!"

He let his hands fall onto his knees. With the back of his head up against the wall, he gazed back at her. His chest heaved with a heavy sigh as he shook his head. "Well, we both know that there is only one short brown haired American girl with undeniable strength that make my knees weak, and my mind woozy, as you can see."


She couldn't help laughing, settling down next to him. "You know you love me~" She sang, resting her head on his shoulder. "You wouldn't arrest the girl you love, would you?" Frenchie looked up at him with puppy dog eyes, batting her eyelashes for a minute before bursting into giggles.

"Ah, don't feel too bad. English is hard even when you speak it natively. My words often fail me and grammar is not my friend. It happens to any English speaker."

@knightinadream group

Despite his heart fluttering, he rolled his eyes. "I do," He cooed, "I do love you." Adone looked over at her, into those puppy eyes she was giving him. He just could not speak at that moment in time. All he found himself doing was shaking his head then kissing the top of her head.

He shrugged. "It does not help when English is your third and you have other languages going through your head," He sighed. "And, not to mention, your brain just cannot compute how there is a really pretty girl with her head on your shoulder and you just want to hold her all the time now."


Frenchie giggled with an innocent smile. "I don't know what you're talking about." She snuggled closer to him, tucking her nose into his neck. "I'm just resting here, you're being dramatic."

Her head shot up when she heard footsteps. "There you two are. Sorry I took so long, I just couldn't find the hat that I wanted." Lina sighed as she stepped into view. "What'd you think of the dress? Did you like it?" Frenchie thought for a second before smiling. "Yeah…yeah I did like it."

@knightinadream group

"You don't know?" He asked. Jokingly, Adone rolled his eyes. "I am not being dramatic, my Farfallina. It is true! I am telling the truth after all." A small trail of giggles fell from his lips followed with him taking a breath. Bringing his hand up, he rubbed her shoulder.

Mrs Russo's voice startled him. Sitting up, he did his best to pretend like nothing was happening. He looked up at her then back down at Frenchie. The nerves returned, but not in a good way. Without thinking much, he just nodded along to the conversation. "It's nice…"