forum i do not have a title for this (mad scientist small group RP) (closed)
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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: scientist Aaron Colt, The Techno Wizard, Tech scientist, Lieutenant Aaron Blister Colt 1059
Age: 35 (30+ for scientists, any age for experiments)
Gender/Pronouns: male he him
Orientation: straight (poor man's surrounded by lesbians lol)
Role: scientist  (Scientist or Experiment?)
Personality: He's very responsible, he also very dependable on times that you need someone he's there to lean, bit he will also call you out if your trying to something stupid. He takes the correct precautions when experimenting with tech as he can get hurt by it pretty bad.
Disabilities?: He fried all the nerves in his left arm and hand when an experiment went wrong, he built himself an attachment to move his hand without having to remove it for a robotic arm. He also needs glasses for general sight.
Enhancements?:he crafted glasses that help him see more then normal,(x-ray vision if needed, they are also connected to the data base for experiments and scientists so he can identify them if needed. Etc)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: Elise Jesse Benjamin(Experimental Learning intelligence 15), experiment 1059
Age: well, creation age her body was has been functional for a couple years around 1-2, but her ai programming is around 8-10 years around developing, so technically she's 10-11 years old, but her body makes her a teenager around 16.
Gender/Pronouns: Female she/her
Orientation: well, she hasn't really explored or experience the programming that gives the emotions love. Unless you mean loving platonically on Aaron, (she calls him dad)
Role: Ehh?? She's, a tech experiment? But not in a bad way??? She was made soley by Aaron, her programming and her robotic but human like body. She has hidden weapons along her but has no idea how to use them yet as it was a new body. She's supposed to learn by shadowing all the scientists and experiments how people act and just gain a chance to interact with people and be an assistant for all the scirenists.  (Scientist or Experiment?)
Appearance: she has brown hair, and blonde bangs. She has freckles and peach skin, along with a pair of rounded glasses a few hair clips an alien shirt, and a cardigan. And some earrings, and a choker with a metal ring on it.
Personality: Adventurous, Inquisitive, Extroverted to heavy extent, Kind hearts and caring as human emotions were put into her programming (she hasnt experienced emotional pain, or loss yet.) Shes very happy and positive minded, has her head up in the clouds.
Disabilities?: Well, she's just a robot. She can't do certain things humans can, she also can't really deal with the weapons placed on her yet since it's new body and she's clumsy.
Enhancements?: W e a p ons, r o b o t a i. (she has blades that extend out from her wrists like in assassin's Creed on both wrists, and like, proton blasters. On the top of her arm.and her eyes are built to scan for any health issues and or anything like heart beat when someone's lying etc. She can use the sight easily.) She's equiped with first aid knowledge.

@CaseyJ group

Name: Aster White, Glitch, experiment 3920
Age: 17
Gender/Pronouns: he/him, male
Orientation: gay
Role: Experiment
Appearance: White hair that covers most of his face, blue eyes, 5'4. (shortie ^-^)
Personality: quiet, shy, doesn't have much social interaction. Likes the idea of video games but has never played because they break whenever he gets near them.
Disabilities?: dyslexia both words and numbers.
Enhancements?: Basically he has a bunch of signal blockers and such so any device near him will short circuit and stop working. If he touches it the circuits will fry.
Other: Isolated because of his enhancements.

(is this ok?)