forum Hospital RP (Closed)
Started by @emilyevewrites group

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Edmund didn’t react to O’Hara’s mutter. It wasn’t new to him that people couldn’t keep up with his employer’s name. The Mokloratene family was old, and some of its odd, ancestral traditions continued into the present. Complicated names were among those traditions.

He continued to watch O’Hara, then the others as they tended to Nokhal’rok. It was an eerily familiar sight, but also different. Edmund was more used to seeing Nokhal’rok hooked up during a transfusion, not an injury.

“I had suspected such. Is there anything more I can do to help at the moment, or shall I find a place to wait?”Edmund asked.

He was no doctor, but he was as much Nokhal’rok’s caretaker as his chauffeur. Edmund would do pretty much anything to make sure Nokhal’rok would be alright.

@emilyevewrites group

“Jacks, get ready for a blood transfusion,” O’Hara called out, and the nurse was already heading toward the door.

“On it,” she called over her shoulder before disappearing.

The doctor locked her gaze on Zoey next. “Ice, immediately.”

“I- uh, I’m supposed to be at the reception desk—” A look from O’Hara interrupted her. “Yep, no, okay. Ice. On it!” the other nurse chirped. She hurried out too, leaving O’Hara alone in the room with Nok and Edmund.

“No, there’s nothing you can do,” she said absently. Her fingers worked around his head, pressing and tilting his neck at different angles. “Shit,” she breathed under her breath, but just then Jackie walked back in. “Call up to pathology to come down here and help with the transfusion,” the doctor ordered immediately. “And schedule him an MRI. As long as he’s unconscious, I can’t tell if there are any signs of a concussion.”

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Edmund took note of the way O’Hara handled everyone. She was definitely forceful, but she knew what she was doing. Edmund could deal with that.

“Alright. I will be informing the police of the man that attacked Nokhal’rok, but do not hesitate to find me if something is amiss. I will most likely be in the waiting room,”Edmund said.

He then nodded a polite farewell, whether anyone noticed it or not, before taking his leave. He headed out of the building, standing near the main doors, before he called the police and explained what had happened and what was currently going on. He also mentioned that he would willingly answer any questions, and would be lingering in the hospital’s waiting room until Nokhal’rok woke.

After the call, Edmund headed inside, to the waiting room he’d just mentioned. He sat down and waited patiently, somehow keeping his composure despite his immense concern for Nokhal’rok.

@emilyevewrites group

O’Hara looked over at Edmund for a moment. She caught his eye and nodded. “Alright. I trust you can see yourself out?” Without checking to make sure he did, she turned back to Nokhal’rok and studied the blossoming bruises around his nose from where the bat had connected.

“Where’s Zoey, dammit?” Jackie asked, taking up a position on the opposite side of the bed from O’Hara.

“I sent her to get ice,” the doctor replied casually. “She should be back any minute.”

And as if on cue, Zoey hurried through the door. “Ice!” she cried out, waving a bag around.

O’Hara rolled her eyes while Jackie walked over and snatched the bag. “Back to reception.” Zoey frowned, but she did as she was told.

Once she was gone, O’Hara gently placed the ice down on his nose and looked at Jackie. “Did you call?”

“Yeah,” the nurse replied defensively.

“Just checking,” O’Hara muttered, looking down at a paper beside the bed and jotting down some notes about Nokhal’rok’s condition.

(Time skip? :))

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Nokhal’rok slowly woke to a pounding headache and a tender nose. He was also lying down, but on something cushioned. Was he in a bed? Where was he? And where was Edmund?

He groggily opened his eyes, looking around. White walls, dull paintings, medical machinery, and roaming people with white coats. He was in a hospital. What had happened? Had he passed out?

He groaned, looking around for Edmund. Edmund would know. After a moment of searching with no success, Nokhal’rok sighed and massaged his temples a bit to try and ease the headache. He avoided touching his nose, since, by the way it felt, it had been broken. What had hit him?

@emilyevewrites group

O'Hara was standing by the nurses' station, checking on some old records from one of her patients. Her lips were pursed, a sign that she was deep in thought about something.

Jackie calling out her name went over her head about three times before the blonde-haired nurse finally got through.


The doctor looked up and frowned. "Jacks, dear Lord. Is someone dying?"

"Somewhere, probably yes," Jackie replied. "But as for here and now, the man in Bed Four is awake. Thought you might want to go and check on him. Broken nose and blood transfusion."

"I'm aware of my patients' injuries, thank you," O'Hara countered, setting her file down in the wire basket before heading over to the bed.

It took about twenty seconds for the clicking of expensive heels to reach Nokhal’rok’s ears. The sounds grew closer and closer until the curtain around his bed was pulled back enough for O’Hara to enter. She stepped in, closing it behind her.

"Hello," she greeted, looking at the vital signs before down at Nok’s face. "You slept for quite a bit.”

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Nokhal’rok did his best to remember what had happened to him, but his mind was still fuzzy from both disorientation and just waking up. Though, the moment he heard approaching heels, he couldn’t help chuckling a bit. He knew the sound of expensive shoes anywhere.

A gorgeous doctor pulled aside the curtain, stepping in. Nokhal’rok immediately noticed the subtle signs of her expensive clothes, and he started listing off the possible fashion brands in his head. Her words distracted him though, bringing him back to reality.

“How long? And, where’s Edmund?”he asked quietly, groaning a bit as his head momentarily hurt worse.

@emilyevewrites group

“Not sure exactly,” O’Hara replied while checking his IV line. Her accent laced her words. “But it was several hours at least. Your MRI didn’t reveal any brain damage. You’re lucky. Honestly, I’m surprised you woke as fast as you did.”

She swapped the fluid bag with diligent fingers, then pursed her lips in thought for a moment. “Edmund? Oh yes, him. He’s in the waiting room. He’s rather dedicated to you, isn’t he? Most people wouldn’t drive to the hospital themselves. And he was rather insistent on making sure you were alright.”

She frowned. “Try not to move an awful lot. Though there’s no permanent damage, it’s still going to hurt like hell for a while.”

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Nokhal’rok stared blankly at her for a moment. Several hours? MRI? What was going on?

“What hit me?”he couldn’t help asking.

A rush of other questions came to mind, including questions about his blood transfusion appointment. Was it already done? Or did he still need it? Would there be any complications?

Nokhal’rok took a deep breath, or, at least, as deep as he could manage without causing his head to pound. He then took a moment to clear his mind before listening to the doctor’s words.

“I’ve known Edmund since I was a child. He’s like family,”he answered breifly. He wanted to say more, but it hurt to talk a lot.

“I noticed,”he commented, closing his eyes momentarily to try and ease the pain.

@emilyevewrites group

The woman arched her eyebrows, an amused smirk lighting on her lips at his question, more specifically the slightly bewildered tone of it. “A bat.”

She nodded while she listened. “Well, now I understand his motives a bit more.” It was true. The man had shown loyalty that now made much more sense to O’Hara than it had when Edmund first came into the ER carrying Nokhal’rok’s body. He was clearly more than just the hired limo driver.

A quiet scoff escaped her as his response.

“Did you think it wouldn’t? Your nose is very broken. And, by the way, Edmund made it very clear that you were also scheduled for a blood transplant with Doctor Cruz later today. I took the liberty of overseeing it myself, if you don’t mind, since Doctor Cruz was busy with several other patients when you arrived.” And also is an ignorant, rude, arrogant ass.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language


Nokhal’rok wasn’t amused by her reaction to his questions, but he was stunned that a simple bat could cause so much damage.

“Yeah,”he replied, a simple response to confirm her statement and obvious thoughts. Edmund was indeed devoted to Nokhal’rok.

He sighed in annoyance at her scoff and words.

“I’ve never had a broken nose, so no,”he replied.

At the rest of her explanation, he sighed with immense relief. The blood transfusion had been taken care of. Good, very good.

“Thank you,”he said, truly grateful.

@emilyevewrites group

O’Hara gave a small smile. She could hear the gratitude in his voice, something she’d been better at picking up the longer she worked in the medical field. “You’re welcome,” she said just as the curtain flew back to reveal another doctor.

This one was a man with slicked-back dark hair, brown eyes, and a slight five-o’clock shadow. “Nokhal’rok,” he greeted for a moment before looking at O’Hara with a firm gaze. “Can I speak with you?”

The woman pursed her lips, set down the papers she was writing on, and reluctantly obliged him with a curt, “Of course.”

They stepped out behind the curtain, and before O’Hara had even pulled the fabric shut behind her, the other man was already talking, still well within earshot of Nokhal’rok.

“So, quick update. You’re going to be doing stitches in room three, and I’m taking over here. Good? Okay.” He started to walk away, but O’Hara was not one to be pushed around.

“No, absolutely not,” she replied shortly, causing the man to turn back around and narrow his eyes. “Excuse me? You’re not in charge here.”

Her Manolos made sharp, aggressive clicks on the tile floor as she strode over to confront him. Around them, the other emergency room staff who were waiting around the nurses' station stopped what they were doing to listen. It became oddly quiet except for the background noises of wheeling gurneys, beeping machines, and shuffling papers. Everyone was watching the showdown unfold in front of them.

“Mike Cruz,” O’Hara quipped. “Short for Michael, is it?”

“Actually, it’s Miguel,” Cruz replied easily.

“Yeah, well, whoever you are, you’re no fun,” O’Hara retorted, her accented voice gaining a hard, sharp edge. “What you just did was rude.”

“No, it was business. Rude would have been to publicly question why a physician whose primary job is trauma center patients thinks it’s appropriate to be going through with a blood transfusion procedure.”

O’Hara scoffed. This one wasn’t like the quiet, borderline teasing one she had given Nokhal’rok. This one was much more hostile. “Oh, my God. You’re a caveman!”

“I made my name in pathology, Doctor O’Hara,” Cruz replied. Everything about him – his demeanor, his responses, his expressions – was so casual to the point it was infuriating.

But O’Hara wasn’t done yet either. “I’m not accustomed to being bullied.”

“Oh, sorry I hurt your feelings,” Cruz retorted, faking empathy in his voice before turning serious again. “It’s an emergency room.”

“I am a doctor,” O’Hara cut in quickly, taking another step toward him before he finished speaking, “and I will do my job to help my patients as I see fit.”

“Um… I understand.”

O’Hara’s anger was slowly continuing to rise. She was 5’10”, but taller in her heels, and she glared evenly at the 6’2” man in front of her. “You have no right to dismiss me simply because of a routine procedure.”

Cruz, to his credit, looked slightly confused. “That’s not why I’m doing this.”

“It most certainly is!” the woman retorted. Her narrowed gaze sharpened.

“Eleanor—” Cruz began. O’Hara’s eyes widened in rage. Cruz took one look at O’Hara’s expression and corrected his mistake. “Doctor O’Hara, blood transfusions are one of my main fields. I’m better at it than you are. I just am. Look, I think that our patients deserve the best we have to offer. Do you disagree?”

O’Hara did respond. She only continued to glare.

“Just one powerful man’s opinion,” Cruz stated before brushing by her and going behind the curtain. “We can talk again when you finish stitching up the hand in three.”

He was lucky he was out of her sight when he spoke because O’Hara was livid. The retreating sound of her Manolos could be heard as she stormed over to room three.

(Sorry, this is fucking long, but… character building! I thought it would be entertaining for you to read a substantial back-and-forth dialogue between Cruz and O’Hara to get an idea of their dynamic and more of O'Hara's personality XD)

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(You’re fine, lol. I don’t mind long posts. And, like I said before, I have watched Nurse Jackie, it’s just been a while, so I do appreciate the insight, grin)

Nokhal’rok gave a small smile of his own when O’Hara spoke. He then watched as someone else came in, and listened closely to the entire incident.

O’Hara was definitely a fiesty woman. She wasn’t afraid to stand her ground or defend herself. And, the passion in her hostility… Nokhal’rok liked that. A woman without passion was like jewelry without a matching outfit.

When Dr. Cruz came in, Nokhal’rok almost snorted. He avoided doing that, though, as it would’ve hurt his already pained nose.

“That could’ve been handled a lot better, Dr. Cruz,”Nokhal’rok commented with a chuckle.

@emilyevewrites group

(Follows up a page-length response with a paragraph asdfdkjkh)

Cruz shook his head slightly with a smirk. “She needs to be put in her place. Doctor O’Hara likes to cross boundaries. That's something I’m not a big fan of being the new director of the ER. Now, how are you feeling since your transfusion?”

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Lol, you’re still good)

“Being forceful to a forceful woman will get you nowhere, no matter who you are,”Nokhal’rok replied.

He hummed, considering how he felt. His head still pounded, but, besides that, he was fine. Hell, better than fine. It was the first time in a little while that he had actually felt energized.

“Well, currently, I feel better than I have all week, if you exclude my nose,”he answered.

@emilyevewrites group

Cruz shook his head, but he surprisingly didn’t counter the remark. Instead, he checked the IV fluids, even though O’Hara had just changed them, and Nokhal’rok’s vital signs. “Well, things look good on my end too. Though I assure you that another doctor taking over the transfusion won’t happen again.”

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Nokhal’rok chuckled, then just watched Cruz. He wondered if the doctor even realized that O’Hara had just changed the fluids. Or was Cruz trying to act big? If he was, he was certainly failing. Particularly around Nokhal’rok, who was already such a spoiled rich kid that he didn’t even need a job to live a very long life of extreme luxury.

“Dr. Cruz, I understand Dr. O’Hara had stepped out of bounds, but give her a little credit. She didn’t botch the transfusion, which, I believe, is far more important than mere hierarchical issues,”Nokhal’rok said slowly, so he wouldn’t hurt his head too much.

@emilyevewrites group

Cruz scoffed under his breath and shook his head. “This entire staff is a mess to deal with. They all think they can cross lines and overrule people higher than them. At some point, they need to learn a lesson. The discussion I had was to make an example out of O’Hara in case any of her friends decide to do something similar.”

It was, again, the authoritative clicking of her heels that gave away her approach. O’Hara slung back the curtain and eyed Cruz narrowly. On her hands were blue surgical gloves, and her fingertips were covered in blood.

“Excuse me, Doctor Cruz,” she stated bluntly while she removed the gloves and disposed of them in the trashcan beside Nokhal’rok’s bed. “While blood transfusions are your area of expertise, trauma center patients are mine. And I have a broken nose to deal with here.” She threw his own words back at him so casually that there was nothing the man could do.

With a scowl, Cruz left, zinging the curtain shut behind him.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

That sounds like someone in power that can’t handle their responsibilities, or people, properly, and thus has no true power.

Nokhal’rok didn’t actually reply to Cruz, instead just keeping an amused smile on his face. Then, when he heard clicking heels, that smile grew a bit.

He listened to O’Hara’s words, snickering at how casual and smooth she was. When Cruz left, he almost burst into laughter, but his nose kept him from doing that.

“Nice choice in words,”he commented.

@emilyevewrites group

(Basically an excuse to get O’Hara back because I loathe writing Cruz 😂)

O’Hara glanced over and noted the smile on Nokhal’rok’s face. She’d also heard his quiet snicker during her brief tirade.

“Thank you, I try,” she murmured, slipping another pair of gloves on her hands to cover up her lithe fingers and painted nails. “Now, has there been anything that has felt different over the past few minutes you’ve been awake? More or less pain? Has the location of the pain changed at all?”

@Serpentess health_and_safety language


Nokhal’rok chuckled. Then, he watched her put on fresh gloves, his eyes momentarily hooked on her gorgeous fingers and nails. He wondered how many different nail polishes she had. There had to be a variety, and he’d love to see all of it. Particularly if she wore it.

It took him a second before he realized she’d asked him something.

“Huh? Oh. No, not really. Unless I talk a lot, then my head pounds harder. Besides that, it’s just steady head pounding, and otherwise feeling marvelous,”he answered.

His mind was still stuck on her nails, and he was so tempted of asking her what fashion brands she bought her clothes from. But, he also wondered if that would be too forward of a question for someone he basically just met.

@emilyevewrites group

O’Hara nodded. “Since you came directly here, and it hasn’t been long since the incident occurred, I believe I can manually fix it…”

She glanced over her shoulder back at the nurses’ station. “Jackie!” she yelled.

The nurse in question hurried over. “Yeah?”

“Go back to Eddie and see if he has any lidocaine,” O’Hara instructed. As Jackie headed off, the doctor turned back to Nokhal’rok. “It’s a numbing agent that dulls your pain receptors and makes it easier for me to work,” she explained. “Depending on how you feel after, I may call for a CT scan. And has there been any ringing in your ears, blurry vision, or feelings of nausea or fatigue?”