forum Fantasy poly couple anyone?
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Ori huffed and pressed a soft kiss to Fen's temple. "You're being a piece of shit. Do you really think I'd lie to you about this?"


He sighed heavily. "No, I don't. I trust you more than I trust most people. But the last time I was in this situation, I was exiled so excuse me if I have my reservations."


"Reservations are just fine baby, I just don't like being called a liar." He cuddled a little closer, tugging Fen in close. "I get that you've been hurt before, but you shouldn't take that out on me."


Ori let him talk, nodding as Fen finished. "Okay. D'you think I might be able to help with that, or do you just want to cuddle for a little while?"


"Well…maybe. I've just been feeling really anxious lately. Like I'm constantly prepped for something to happen even though there's nothing to worry about."


"To be fair, you've been harboring a secret crush that you were absolutely sure was going to break your heart." He took Fen's hands in his, lacing their fingers together. "I'd be feeling pretty anxious too. Do you think it might be that?"


Ori shrugged helplessly, unable to do much more than pull Fen in closer. "I don't know, it's not like you've completely calmed down over it yet. Maybe you just need some time to get used to everything."


"That's probably it." Fen rested his head on Ori's shoulder. "Sorry for being so back and forth on this, I'm sure it can't be fun to deal with."


"It's not so bad." He rested his head against Fen's. "Honestly, I'd be surprised if you weren't a little shaken up, we don't exactly take things in stride the way Archer does."


Ori rolled his eyes. "Well obviously you do, or he wouldn't have stuck around. He really loves you, Fen."


"You're being awfully negative, lovely." Ori frowned too, glancing down at Fen. "Is something wrong?"


"It happened a lot when I was younger. Mainly back home, I could never figure out what caused it. But once I started going out on my own it stopped happening as often."
(We love a good case of childhood depression)


Ori thought for a moment and then pulled Archer in a little closer, tucking him up against his chest. "Alright. Well if you couldn't figure it out then, I don't know how well we'll be able to figure it out now, but you should know that Archer and I are here for you."
(Hell yeah, relatable vibes)


Ori pressed a soft kiss to his temple, holding Fen close. "You'd better, sweetheart. I pride myself on being honest."


"They all describe you so well, lovely! How could I stick to just one when there are so many wonderful names that suit you perfectly?"