forum Fantasy poly couple anyone?
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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He rolled his eyes, pushing himself to his feet with a huff. "Xachia can learn a little patience, we've got more important things to figure out right now."


"Like what? Archer won't come back before he's ready, if he ever will. Besides, we don't even know where he went. It'll be better if we just do this now and then find him later. At least then we'll have some funds to fond him with."


"Don't say that shit, Fen. Of course he's coming back." He crossed his arms, glaring off into the distance where Archer disappeared. "It just doesn't feel right, doing a job when he's out there fuming. And neither of us are in the right head space to fuck around with a demon, let alone one with such a shitty track record."


"But…what if she does something? Xachia doesn't exactly seem friendly to quitters, she could take our heads and make it look like an accident." Fen chewed on his lip.


"She cares more about stopping a monster than catching some low level adventurers that pussied out on her." He wrapped an arm around Fen's waist, gently easing him forward. "There are plenty of redheads in the sea, babe."


"Are you sure? I don't want her coming after us if she decides to be petty and vengeful." Fen chewed on his nails in worry at the thought of being the target of a woman like Xachia.


"If you really think you will we should go on, I just…" He sighed quietly, pursing his lips. "I don't know. It doesn't feel right, doing this without Archer."


"Maybe he'll turn up somewhere on our journey?" Fen offered weakly. "Either way, let's get going." He turned to go catch up with the steadily growing more impatient demon huntress.