forum "And When We're Bored we Play in the Woods, Always on the Run from Captain Hook" // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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I was thinking that would be the first of many powers he’d lose, mostly due to developing depression as he ages, and while that wouldn’t get insta-fixed it would get better mostly for allegorical reasons but I can keep the flight via Tinkerbell’s pixie dust if it helps? And yeah that could be cool.


Yeah I just,,, the flight is such an integral part of Peter Pan, y'know???

Anyways uhhh so do we wanna start with Peter arriving at the Spanish Main? in which case would you like to start?

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Peter flew up onto the deck of the Spanish Main, stumbling as he landed as he always did when he used Tinkerbell's pixie dust to fly. The stuff was like LSD to him, and it messed with the perceptions of anyone who had become too old for Neverland. Like Peter. This was actually the second time he'd used pixie dust to fly, the first time when he was running from the natives who had gathered pretty quickly that Peter was powerless to stop them from killing him now that he was old. The Lost Boys, all too loyal, had fought bravely, but without Peter's powers and endless well of energy, it was pointless to try fighting anymore and one by one they retreated, probably to their deaths as they'd all scattered in separate directions without aim. He felt bad, but he had other things to worry about. Mostly, all the pirates who had clearly spotted him in his useless state, with Tinkerbell useless to fight.


It was getting on towards evening, and Hook turned when he heard his men shouting and a thump on the deck. He and the Spanish Main had been away from Neverland for a month, hunting other pirates but, as always, had inexorably been drawn back to Neverland. He arched an eyebrow as he recognized the boy before him s the boy who, for so many years, had been his greatest enemy. "Ah. Peter Pan." He greeted, a hint of mockery in his voice as he arched a dark eyebrow, taking a step forward. "Have you finally grown up?"

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"… Maybe." he said slowly, knowing it was obvious he had grown older. "I request parsley!" he said, a bit too loudly. It was obvious he mean "parley" but Peter didn't know he meant that, the last time he had eaten a vegetable was never. He thought "parsley" was basically what he meant, and so he went with it. "Codfish. You know it would be bad form to refuse." he said, making direct and fiery eye contact with the man.


Hook snorted loudly, and many of his men broke into laughter. "Aye, it would be. Smee!" He turned to the short, rotund pirate. "Let's give our Pan his requested parsley."

Smee looked confused. "B-but sir, he means–"

"Now, Smee. The parsley." He demanded, voice lowering to something dangerous and dark. Smee nodded hurriedly and raced off, soon returning with, as commanded…a bundle of Parsley, which he handed to Hook. Hook smirked, brandishing it towards Peter. "Your…parsley, as requested." He said, voice dripping with derision while his men laughed.

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"Is this some weird pirate ritual? I just wanted to talk." Peter said, taking the dried herbs and stuffing them in his mouth, chewing, then swallowing. "Okay, now that we're done playing games, I would really like you to hear me out… James." he said. "And by the way, that tasted disgusting."


(lmao pretty much)

James's eyes narrowed as he studied Peter. "You requested parsley, o Pan, and parsley is what you got. I have no requirement to hear you out, irregardless of your…sudden change." His eyes scanned over Peter, before returning to the other man's face.

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"Yeahhh… but, consider. I could take you back home. I know you've been waiting a long time, it simply slipped my mind." Peter knew that would get a reaction, good or bad he couldn't tell. Maybe James wouldn't even care, maybe this was a death sentence. He hoped for the last option… no he didn't! He was Peter Pan, and Neverland needed him! But he was just so damn tired…


James snorted a laugh. "And do you really think, Pan, that they would just accept me?" he took a rather menacing step towards Peter. "You think, after countless years gone, they'll accept me as their son? I vanished when I was twelve, Pan, and I've been gone for…" he thought for a moment. "Longer than I look like I have. Too little, too late." he snapped his flesh hand right under Peter's nose, eyes cold as ice as he stared holes into Peter's skull.

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"Uh… bye then!" he said, backing up and turning to run off the edge of the ship. Tinkerbell blew a raspberry and followed, but gave a worried look after Peter all the same. He didn't have any pixie dust, and he barely knew how to swim. He hated even getting wet! And this ship was stuck in the middle of the ocean, how would he cope with that?


James walked to the edge, watching Peter flounder in the water with a raised brow. "What an excellent swimmer you are." He said dryly, sarcasm seeping through each word, derision dripping from him. "You are doing masterfully. Perhaps if you're lucky, the crocodile will come and give you pointers."

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"Sh-shut up!" he screamed, water entering his mouth as he spluttered and gagged, taking in breath after saltwatered breath. Peter tried to keep himself above water, but eventually he sunk below, a few bubbles rising before… nothing. Empty black water, as the skies began to disappear in favor of clouds. Even if Peter was immortal, he doubted a lifetime under the sea would be fun save for being a mermaid.


James waited a moment, then swore. He did not like Peter, but if Peter was to die he would rather it be at his own hands than at the hands of mermaids or drowning in the sea. He stripped off his overcoat and vest, throwing them to the deck, kicked off his shoes, and dove into the water, stroking down towards the ocean floor. His eyes were open to see if he could spot Peter. His black hair floated around his head in a cloud, shirt alternating between ballooning with water and sticking close to his body.

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A hand sunk into the murky black. Peter didn't see Hook, nor hear him, he doubted his worst enemy would attempt to help him even if it was "fair". He didn't really understand "fair" either, just whims and pure raw emotion. But what he did see was light sinking away, and could feel himself get tangled in the murky weeds below.


Hook swam downwards, eyes searching the gloom for the form of his worst enemy. Bad form to allow his sworn enemy to die like this, after all. He wanted Peter to die on the point of his sword, wanted to slash his throat with the hook that the boy had so kindly caused him to need. Wanted to watch the light leave his eyes, watch death claim his limbs in its permanent embrace. He eventually found the bottom, eyes searching still for Peter.

(Yo do you remember the RP we had with the vampire and the fae that was basically just smut? Lmao. Uh. Would you perhaps be interested in picking that up or something similar again? Because you're like the only person on here that I've found that is alright with RPs that are mainly smut driven lmao)

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(Which one again? DM me with plot details and I'll probably be all good to continue. Also I have like zero inspo rn so don't mind me if I dip out of this RP for a few hours lol.)

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Peter had found himself in a tangle of weeds, and closed his eyes. The saltwater was far from comfortable in his vision, but faintly he could see a figure approaching as he lifted an eyelid. He assumed rather incorrectly that it was some sort of mermaid here to kill him or at least annoy him, rather than a very angry Hook, and so he sat there, intending to act bored and placid towards whatever it was.