forum 1on1 with @MonsterTeaParty
Started by @Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

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@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

RinRin murmured. "Haide Insha Nemaso Canfe Nias Blisa, Blisa, Blisa." The eagle made a soft, purring sound, similar to a cat, but just for a second. It flew over and perched in front of the girl. "Mind telling me your name?" RinRin asked.

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

"Hm. Well, Jerick," he says, a bit intrigued at the name. "My name's RinRin Joziru. I often go by Rinzu, or just Rin." He sets his finger on fire and starts twirling it in the air. It's a fidget for his ADHD. "I feel like there is some importance to why you apppeared in a vision of mine, considering we've never met before now." he pauses "the last time that happened… that's a story for another day. Now, I understand that you have simple mind powers. Empathy and telekinesis?"

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

RinRin ignores the stab at his ego. So, you have projection, eh? he says to her telepathically. "Well, I guess I'll go. If you want talk to me again…" he trails off. You know how to get to me. he finishes telepathically. In a flash of light, he's gone.