forum 1on1 with @MonsterTeaParty
Started by @Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

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@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

Calling the police would do nothing, because they'll say no such person exists. RinRin sighs. Blisa wasn't bribery, it was a birthday present. He pauses, I believe I already explained why I spoke to you. I saw you in a vision. Seeing strangers in a vision is never random or for no reason. There's always a reason.

@Im-just-here-idk-what-life-means group

(well that's just so base. I was thinking more along the lines of a series of catastrophic events signaling the possible end of time as we know it and the only way to stop it is by teaching jerick to master her abilities to a tremendous level, not allowing her to be lazy and at the end of the catastrophic events is an enemy that is so dangerous the time-space continuum might shatter if he/she es allowed to destroy this world.)