forum Find a picture and describe it (Writing Practice)
Started by @NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

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@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

"Come with me." the voice ushered as it trickles down the beige carpet stair. Was it from the glowing glove or the ashtray. It led me to a Tv screen. The static hum a tune inviting me inside

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

The flickering lights echoed in the silence. The both of us let out a sigh of relief as the chaos seems to be dying down. I flopped down on the mattress on the concrete ground. There were enough supplies to last us for at least a week, fortunately we'll be out of this mess by then. Rika knelled by my side she clutched her hands as her lips trembled and her brows furrowed

"What is it…"? I murmured barely facing her

Rika remained silent as she dropped her head "Umm… Well… It's…" Rika muttered before clearing her throat "When you're even a little nice to me I get really giddy, but when you're even a bit cold I get depressed."

Everything paused. The room was only filled with a harshing ringing noise that polluted the air. Rika dropped her tic and… I can't get this out in words

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Ah, You're awake… Oh, don't give me that look… I'm only doing this out of the kindness of my heart
Now, look around. Tell me, do you get a feeling of deja vu. Remembering something? Really?! Nothing! How about some hints. Remember running around in the playpen. Our shoes squeaking on the floor… Playing the monkey ball game. Your 10th birthday. Oh! Now you get it… We were once the best of friends… How could you forget me… How could you grow up and leave me behind…? How can you be so cruel? I'm stuck here on my own… The ball pit is all I have. Now you're here. Where you belong. Well, we have this place all to ourselves… Let's have the most fun ever!

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

With a thud I was pushed out of the car and fell face flat on the pavement. Pulling myself up I face a familiar sight; A biege suburban house with a brown house. It even have the same basketball hoop. But this isn't my home. These people aren't my family, I can't even see their faces! Mom! Dad! Where are you! Where am I!?

@requiemisback language

'W-wha' Kage had woken up in a secluded room filled with other people, one out of the few being recognizable. Hikari. 'Even Hikari's here?' he thought to himself. 'Wait… are… are those collars?! What are those for?' Kage fell deep into his thoughts, unsure of what to believe at this point.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

God is good all the time: That is what I've been taught. I grew up in the room where these words were painted. Playing with the toy stove. Rocking the rocking chairs and hiding in the crib from those people. They always seem to find me though. They call me things like mistake and demon child God's supposed to be good all the time right. So why won't he save me?

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

A smile crept on England's face from ear to ear as he said these simple words "How's your dinner, sweetie?"
France's eyes didn't leave the Wii standing on his plate. He knew England couldn't cook for shit but this… this had to be some kind of sick joke.

With trembling hands, he scooped up the fork and said with a whimper "I thought you love me…"

"Vore me daddy!" The Wii cheered, awaiting its devourment.

France's lips trembled as he eyes the Wii "Do I have to do this?" He asked with a tinge of a croak in his voice
"It's what the viewers want," England says with a smirk.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

America placed a hamburger on England's head. It just sat there as England slumped in his pillow, barely opening his glassy eyes.

"It's not working…" America said, scanning the still ill England with a burger on his head

"Jesus Christ! How bad is your healthcare!" France griped

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Estonia held his hands out as 4 mochis circle him.

"Stay back!!" He cried as sweat broke out of his temples

While the first three weren't such a fearsome sight;

The one to his right was a small sakuramochi with a purple pack on his back, He stared vacantly at him. Not saying a word

In front of him was mochi block with a round mochi hopping on top of him. They sprout flags of their respective country

"We play games! Me and Germany Mochi are big dinosaur! RAWR! Ve~" The small mochi with the Italian flags cheer as the german mochi slid at a uniform speed

That didn't catch Estonian's attention, what grabbed his attention was America Mochi who morphed into a grotesque beefcake with bulging biceps and toned sturdy legs. He had the same goofy smile as usual but now with a malicious glint in his lifeless eyes

"It okay! I'm America…" The thing slowly says as it charges forward

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

The three boys stood out gazing at the dijon yellow sky over the city composed of a group of cloud grey flats scattered across the sea green, followed by a gaggle of city building framed by teal forest and a rosewood overcast

@requiemisback language

The replay of her life began playing behind her. though she did not care. She was unfazed by all of her life's choices, and yet something seemed to be on her mind. Several things, in fact.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

After a long and quiet ride on the road only accompanied by the sights of jagged grey rocks and the sound of the tire rumbling on the roa. The white car was greeted by the crashing and bubbling of waves. The sunlight shattered into little crystal on the ocean's surface which blended in a mirage of artic blue and blotches of sapphire with teal edges. The gleam of sunlight framed everything as the air was tinged with the fragrance of salt