forum uno group (CLOSED)

people_alt 81 followers


also i forgot to mention that if we do vc, then i think jitsi meet would be a better option than zoom or google meet. it gives more annoyimosity (i have no clue how to spell it). its free and you dont need and acc (i have one tho, so i can make the calls). me and clover use it when we call

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

hang on, I actually think I may have the healthiest sleep schedule out of us three, (def Elise, and I don't know clover's but I feel like I can guess)

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

(same. Tis a shame tho, I will never hear a denmarkian accent 😔)

(lol I can't do a Danish accent anyways, so technically no loss there)

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

(no, ill still be at school then)

When's the nearest time u can do? Cause worse cause scenario me an barbussy can just be on call while we wait

i get out at 2:20 est. Soooo ill probs be home around 2:40-2:50. That means i can call in … 7 hours.