forum Sleep Deprived Insomniacs Club
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i'm okay at the moment, and i don't think i know you, so i'm wren, lovely to meet you :)
on another note, last night i was exhausted so i fell asleep at like 8 then woke up at 1 am. i hadn't gotten ready for bed or anything so i got up and took a shower then washed my face and brushed my teeth and all that. then i tried to go back to bed which took forever and mostly just ended up with me laying in bed overthinking literally everything. then when i finally fell asleep again i kept waking up and i felt like my leg had been cut for some reason. i had a dream that i cut myself which is really weird so then every time i woke up after that i could actually feel it and it was horrible.
anyways how was everyone else's night??


One of my classes as well as myself are confused on how I'm alive. the past 10 days, I've gotten less than 7 hours of sleep. My friend was asking me my weekly schedule because she knows that I never talk about it with anybody and that it helps (She doesn't know that I know she does it, but I love that she does it). My class was dead silent and proceeded to hear as I kind of vented to my friend about me leading a 4 hour service project after school tomorrow and then going to my 4 hour choir practice (Not getting home until 10). Then on Friday, I'm babysitting for 7 hours (once again, getting home at 10). On Saturday, working outside in the high 90's weather for 6 hours and then getting ready for prom to take pictures for yearbook because there are no senior's in yearbook and my prom is senior only, so I'm going for them. Then on Sunday, going to church for 3 hours, then teaching a Sunday school lesson (ew), then going to a planning meeting for a trip that I'm not going on and then like 3 other meetings. On Monday, I then have a Summer Job interview and on Tuesday I have a meeting with my academic advisors to let me do college classes because I'm not 18 yet. I also have 3 major certification tests and really strict parents, where if my grades are lower than an 85% (absolute lowest) Then I literally can't do anything. I really just want to chug 5 gallons of chamomile and take a shot of Nyquil and pass out until graduation.


My grandma just told me my body type won't look good in a bikini so instead of sleep im gonna be woking out from 4pm to 10 pm and then do homework and then maybe eat

@spacebluelily language

Is it bad I haven't drunk water in 3 days

well seeing as water is important, then yeah
but I've gone a entire week without drinking water, so i don't have a say in this

@The-Magician group

Is it bad I haven't drunk water in 3 days

well seeing as water is important, then yeah
but I've gone a entire week without drinking water, so i don't have a say in this

Oh dear, what did you take for the migraines?

@spacebluelily language

Is it bad I haven't drunk water in 3 days

well seeing as water is important, then yeah
but I've gone a entire week without drinking water, so i don't have a say in this

Oh dear, what did you take for the migraines?

I did take some pills, but without water. It wasn't until the afternoon where i was forced to drink water.

@spacebluelily language

Go get some food and sleep
I know this is a sleep-deprived and insomniacs club, but go eat something and get some sleep before you die due to lack of those two important aspects.


its nasty i rather starve then eat school food and i dont bring my lunch so- yeah and i feel no one would rlly care if i plum fell and died