Started by @ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing šŸø

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@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing šŸø

Hello my name is Holly and I am very inconsistent but im trying to fix that giggles. Ive bee on this site for almost two years and I want friends also its a nice way to get new members familiar with the forums. Also if you have site questions I am here to answer!! My dms are always open if you need to talk to someone or if you just need a friend!!

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing šŸø

Thats okay, things can be quite overwhelming, but it'll calm down, promise. You can be my friend if you'd like! I just read about you and Itachi, id like to help you get back in touch with him maybe?


dropping in cuz i'm a new fellow (i joined like five days ago teehee)
so uh yeah hi the name's tee, i use they/them pronouns and all that good stuff lmao

Ria the Bookworm

Hi, I've replied to a few of these already but I'm Ria, I'm female; she/her pronouns please, and I'm as bookwormy as you get. I just joined and I already love this site.