forum message from Eli
Started by @Snow-genderfluidian group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

I am- I started crocheting a blanket over the break to distract myself

That's fantastic! colors? Size? Material? (Im assuming yarn but shrug)

XD so far, black and white, muted ash blue, speckled blue and white. All fuzzy yarn

@Eli-the-transboi group

Ooo, pretty. And like, the super soft fuzzy yarn you wanna rub your face on? :D

Yessssssss omg. I love it. Its as long as my king sized bed and probably as wide as my two hands. Maybe a little smaller. (Aka not that wide- but I've already used two big yarn balls.

@Serenity88 group

ooo someone else who crochets! I crochet, but my attention span just become super short for that stuff randomly. can't focus anymore. your blanket sounds cool though!