forum For denny /closed unless invited in pm/
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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have any of you just looked at your hands - like, really looked at your hands. i just looked at mine and these are NOT MY HANDS. MY HANDS DON'T LOOK LIKE TJIS. this feels so weird!

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And yes, I have looked at my hands and felt like they aren't mine. Hell, I just feel disconnected and disassociated from my whole body at some points.

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picture this. it's -13C. there's a foot of snow on the ground. and then a vlacas morus baka figa babi PULLS THE SIALAN FIRE ALARM! and i am in a t-shirt. a t-shirt. if it weren't for my native blood i would have died. WE STOOD OUTSIDE FOR THIRTY DISNEYLANDING MINUTES. THRITY MINUTES! IN OUR SHOES WITH SNOW GOING UP OUR LEGS AND SLIPPING ON THE ICE AND CURSING WHOEVER PULLED IT WIH ALL OUR SOULS.

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i am okay
kinda numb and definitely misspelled a million words while wwriting this because my fingers is thawing. also my soks are muy wet.

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Ok, is it just me, or does anyone else hate winter passionately

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i LOVE winter. i just hate wet soks and wet clothes in general. feels so weird when i take a step and i hate that. but i really like winter. sledding and skiing and snowball fights and nailing my brother in the face with a big slushy one-

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Yesss XD I just grew up in a place where it rained a lot more than it snowed, so I’m not used to this at all lmao

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spring is fun, but a lot of work
we has a HUGE garden
30 x 50 ft
we start planting in february, and then after that it's just -garden- and -spring-

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much garden
24-foot-long seven-foot-deep asparagus pit
four 10-ish-by-5 foot garden beds
two 12-by-3 foot onion beds
one looooooong melon mound
a squash mound
some random herbs that we didn't have space in the garden for in front of teh gate

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gate, yeah. to keep the coons and foxes and squirrels and rabbits and skunks out
we had a litter of baby rabbit grow up under the straw- they were so cute!
they squeaked a lot

it is a lot of gardens
i wanna try potatoes but we don't have enough room for them sadly
we have a whole bed just for tomats