forum For denny /closed unless invited in pm/
Started by @DancingWithMyDemons business

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writing christmas cards
sister: how do you spell bubonic plague again?

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Hi, public service announcement: this is the legal guardian of this users page. They are a minor, they are using this site on their school computer, more appropriately, the school has the ability to see anything and everything posted so far. They will not be on notebook anymore and if you are not a classmate of theirs, i respectfully request you do not contact my child again.

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While we're at it….
I have henceforth invited Meep in pms
@Meepmeep come hither
@hello-Sam-is-back! your thing still doesn't work…. :(

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my funeral
it grew from one of the many weird chats arya and i had in pms
very weird… why were we talking about facts about flying pigs, or pennies falling through the atmosphere, or resting in spaghetti? ah, memories…

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sam wasn't there, though
'twas two days after the soup cult was made. otto had left, arya had joined, forgotten her password and joined again
random fact: both otto and arya have rabbits named boris potato

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Pennies…? Spaghetti though, that makes sense. Flying pigs=bacon on an airplane.

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actually, we were talking about the fact that it is physically impossible for pigs to look up, so they'll never know when their friends are flying
yes, resting in spaghetti was, i believe, one of the first suggestions of what i should resit in
because resting in peace is boring

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Huh… interesting little tidbit, I suppose. But I'm more inclined to agree with Sam on this one, lol.

Resting in pieces is better.

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resting in soup beats all
rereading to find what else i wa sresting in blood sausage? rest in blood sausage is too many words
spaghetti was definitely one

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those guppies i told you i got died :(
but i have new, cooler guppies now so it's all good

but i really liked the blue one

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'twas a chain reaction of death
that's what i get for trusting my li'l sister to take care of them for three days

i have never seen ammonia readings that high

currently taking guppy name suggestions