forum A Roleplayer’s Lament (aka a safe space to rant about your roleplaying pet peeves)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user


No callouts! Mentioning specific people will get you booted, and being a jerk and shading people is not great.

Do not be rude or start drama! I swear, I’m a shitty roleplayer too but if you come after me for something, fair or unfair, or if you come after anyone else, you’re booted.

Be kind! Seriously, it goes a long way.

Anyways, I’ll start off this chat with some pet peeves of my own.

Do you just hate when people wanna play god? Not in the sexy Frankenstein way, more in the Mary Sue way. I’m not even shading a particular person with this but sometimes I see people just. Not put limits on their character’s powers or give them any real flaws, or make them so flawed it falls flat as an edgy stereotype. Anyways, here’s the scoop I give on that: let people roleplay at their level, but also try and guide them into being nicer and better people as roleplayers. Don’t be a dick, but also set boundaries. That’s all!

Deleted user

Hmm I would argue that for the whisper one, I’m really shitty at remembering to do it however I do respect when others require it… as for joining closed RPs, that’s sleazy as hell lmao I’d never have the courage to be that crazy unless it was a buddy’s rp that they invited me to and in that case? Not technically closed idk why I said that-

Deleted user

when they die when no one responds to them….bonus points if its a group rp.

Oh oof I’m guilty of that one! Doing better tho!

Deleted user

The whisper thing isn’t a peeve in the way that its like a cardinal sin or anything it’s just a lil irritating sometimes

Eh I get that!!

Deleted user

when they die when no one responds to them….bonus points if its a group rp.

that KILLS me. not to mention when it just started

Deleted user

Trying to steal spotlight in a group rp, can't stand it. Especially when they reply without waiting for others to react.
Also, making their characters before looking at others'. It might not seem like a huge thing but it's important imo to make a character that will fit as well as contrast with others
On the opposite side of the spectrum, not having their characters do anything. No conflict started, no dialogue that moves anything forward (I used to rp like this mostly because I was afraid that I was overstepping boundaries by moving the story forward, but I find that (for people who struggle with it) if they think they're overstepping to ask if what they did works, and to remember that the story has to progress somewhere and somehow).

@RhysTheFirebird group

deep breath (As in I am guilty in what I’m about to say FOR SOME OF THEM)

1) Taking forever to reply when there’s a set time limit. (Guilty) Aka once a day, every other day etc. (Which I do all the time cause I forgot about it. . . I try to communicate, but that’s why I clarify saying weekly bumps are a thing for me)

2) God-Moding; Like, it’s okay if you’re my nestie and we’ve known each other forever and you know as a carinal instinct how my character will react to something. But other than that, I hate it when someone assumes my reaction.

3) Randomly Joining a Closed Thread; On a few other sites, I will specify it’s a closed RP and someone will write out a full on reply. Like, man. . . Sorry, this is good, but please delete it

4) Not Communicating (guilty); People who vanish without a trace. If it’s in your bio that you do that, I don’t consider it ‘without a teace’ because you said you do. And that’s technically communicating. I know people AP have real lives (unlike me), but please do try to say ‘hey, I!ma be gone’
Or if you have an idea and just throw it in without telling me. Especially if I was the one who created the plot and stuff.

5) Haha, jk, I don’t have 5 yet.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

I'm hesitant to say any of mine, because I RP with a lot of people, so… no one take this personally. I'm not trying to call people out :/

People who correct you on a thing but then do the same thing (this is just a general life pet-peeve, but it applies in RP's too) whether that's pacing, grammar, power-level, etc.

In group rp's, people who don't keep up with the general length of the responses, but then complain when their character gets left behind, or has to be moved around in order to keep the plot moving.

People who ask to join an RP but then take 2 weeks to get a basic character sheet up. OR people who do get one up quickly, but somehow manage to ignore everything about the prompt.

People who won't worldbuild with me, and thus don't do anything to move things forward. OR people who try to worldbuild, but miss the whole vibe of the RP. Like completely miss it.

People who are inflexible about what their character does or did. OR people who are inflexible about the details of what they wrote.

Bad grammar, or repetitious prose. Or repetitious actions from a character.

People who assume that because they were the first to respond to your new RP, they're automatically accepted.

In group RP's, people who manage to make the whole thing hinge on one reaction happening, which freezes the whole plot until a specific person responds a specific way.

Those are a few…

@RhysTheFirebird group

Specifying it’s supposed to be a slow burn and then 20 posts later they’re already madly in love, like, what?
And then when I try to slow it down, by making my charcter lash out/just act a little differently by making something come u[ int there life and the other person complains about it going to slow. . .
Like, man, I specified int the prompt that it was supposed to be a slow burn-

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

Specifying it’s supposed to be a slow burn and then 20 posts later they’re already madly in love, like, what?
And then when I try to slow it down, by making my charcter lash out/just act a little differently by making something come u[ int there life and the other person complains about it going to slow. . .
Like, man, I specified int the prompt that it was supposed to be a slow burn-

I think some people don't know what a slow burn means I guess lol

@RhysTheFirebird group

When people dont agree to make a posting order simply on the fact ‘I wont to keep this going’
Like, we all know you wanna keep it going. But life happens to everyone, and it’s not fair to not set a posting order just cause you ‘wanna keep it going’
Because then one person could have to go and then they have a bunch of unnecessary reading to do. And then, for someone like me, completly stresses them out and then procrastination starts to kick in and next thing you know, you have no clue what’s happening simply because life happened
(This typically applies with group RP that consists of one liners, bc boy are those easy and quick to reply to)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

dont say it don't say it On the flip side, turn orders can very easily hold an entire group RP hostage if one person has to go while others are on, or if someone disappears for a bit. So pros and cons, for sure
(and don't even get me started on one-liner group Rp's. Right there with you on that)

@RhysTheFirebird group

dont say it don't say it On the flip side, turn orders can very easily hold an entire group RP hostage if one person has to go while others are on, or if someone disappears for a bit. So pros and cons, for sure
(and don't even get me started on one-liner group Rp's. Right there with you on that)

Okay, for smaller group RP’s in which very one is replying with 3 or 4+ paragraphs, it’s a little easier for me to keep up with because. . . I don’t know many people who can push out a good reply that long in a short amount of time. And most people who RP like that have others to reply too and so aren’t hounding just that one.
Most of this time

But yes! Pro’s and Cons for sure! But it is reasonable to ask them to wait so I can get some sleep

Now if I’m gone for a long time with no word, I don’t really care bc I didn’t communicate so it’s my fault then. But a single day wait? pfft-

bows out breath I’m too passionate about this

Deleted user

Oddly specific but I like loose and implied turn orders
Like I like when people usually wait for the full cycle but break it when necessary
it's specific it's intricate but when it works it works rlly nicely