forum Here to There (CLOSED - Stalkers welcome and get free selfies in space)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alley ran over to the wall.
"I think we're gonna need more firepower than that." Punching in a code, seemingly on the bare wall, Alley unlocked the weapons wall. The siding slid away, showing plasma hand cannons, high-tech laser guns, and gravity grenades.
For emergency use only. A voice rang out.
Please say emergency code to unlock.
"12-82 End Time."
Alley grabbed a plasma hand cannon and tossed it to James, grabbing one for herself.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Alley shook her head. Alley took aim and fired. It hit the creatures arm. Both it and Alley let out a scream of pain. Looking down at her arm, she saw that the area on her arm that corresponded with where she shot the alien was a fiery red, and extremely painful.


James looked at Alley when she screamed and looked at the thing. Quick thinking lead to a kind of risky decision. James grabbed his handgun and advanced to the creature. While it was in pain, James attempted to knock it out by clobbering it in the side of the head.


"Okay, anyone speaking like that is not fine. We have medical supplies, let's check for a concussion first and get you a bag of ice." James says, concerned. "And uh, we should look at that too." James glances at the remains of the thing.


Aza flipped her hands, joining the fight for the first time. The magnetic poles of the alien reversed, making its heart stop beating. "Done," she sang and collapsed on the floor, giggling. "Done, done, done!"


James picked up the dead (maybe) alien "We should keep it's body, just in case it reverts back to it's true form. Yes, I know it's disgusting, but it gives us a small advantage. I'll put it away, you guys meet me at the table. It's almost dinner." Stepping out of the storage unit, James found a place to put the body. (A freezer maybe, I'm assuming we have one) While he was there, he got an ice pack. He kept all emotion from spilling out by focusing on his work. No time to cry now. James walked back to the dining room.