forum Voyage to Arcata (Open for everyone)
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Deleted user

It was colder, not so much that everyone was shivering, they were closer to Noren, it should get warmer there

Deleted user

(Fast foward to the next day)
The captaion announced they were closer to Noren, just a few minutes if every water mage on board worked together, it was a good time to get ready in case something happened

Deleted user

It was surprisingly early, some people walked around the place, some repeated the same protocol as the captain did before "Pretend we are a merchant ship if we get cought"

Deleted user

It was a little cold, a normal day around Noraske's waters, people wearing big coats and furs, some hiding their marks, the ship slowly aproached to a dock, some crew members wearing large cloaks and carrying baskets.

Deleted user

The smell of warm soup filled the air, some bread, even cereals with a few spices on one or two dishes.

@Shadow_Knight group

Raz was going to head up onto the deck but the smell of food stopped her. She placed a hand of her stomach as it growled. She changed her course to the kitchen to see if she could grab any food.

Deleted user

Some of the cooks walked around the hallways with trays of good, "Come and take some food! Ma´am, mister! Come and take some food" they said in a sing song tone

@Shadow_Knight group

Raz smiled at them as she kept heading towards the kitchen. She wasn't sure if they meant for her to take off the trays or not so she didn't. If they were taking it to the injured she didn't want to rude.

Deleted user

As for the cooks that still were on the kitchen, one of them stood close to the door holding it open, "GET YOUR FOOD, GET YOUR FOOD PEOPLE!"

@Shadow_Knight group

Raz ducked around the people who were shouting and coming and going from the kitchen. She quickly got some food and left, not wanting to get in the way of anything.

Deleted user

The ship stopped at the docks, the previously sawn people wearing hoods came rushing to the markets with big baskets on their hands, some crew members talked to the guards and tried to find a way for them to get away from the ship.

@Shadow_Knight group

Raz made her way to the top of the ship to eat. She found a nice corner and plopped down to eat. It was habit to find corners to sit or eat in. That way no one could sneak up behind you and stab you in the back. She ate her breakfast slowly, eyeing everyone on the ship.

Deleted user

It was cold, really cold, it wouldn't be for so long, just one day and they'll be sailing once again, maybe there will even be more water mages to help and make the ship go faster.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Name: Otiena Bela

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Country: Aspara

Race: Fahrrae

Magic and Mark: Weather magic. The mark is located just under her right ear.

Appearance: Deep black skin with storm-gray eyes. Her eyes somehow seem to have flashes of lightning in them. She has short hair and sideswept bangs, growing down to the tips of her ears. Otiena wears a loose tan tunic and tight black pants. Otiena always goes barefoot, regardless of the temperature.

Extra: Otiena's been a sailor since she was a little girl. She's seen a lot of the world.

Deleted user

Meanwhile, some crew members tried to smug more mages around the docks, they manage to create fog around them and blame it on the cold, a risky move indeed.