forum Uninvited Guests (OPEN at the moment, Stalkers welcome)
Started by @Yamatsu

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"First off: you're a bitch. Second off: if you don't help to stop her, everyone will die. Even you, you little-" One of the women started.
"Koko, that's enough. Please, you have to stop her." The second woman said.
"Mimi, you little-"
"Enough!" Michi roared. "We have better eggs to crack!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Michi smirked.
"The last person who threatened me was much more intimidating than you. He was destroying worlds. His army of shadow demons was much larger than yours, and there were… personal hindrances to fighting him. You? She would just add you to her collection."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Up there." Michi pointed to Hinata. Hinata was floating 50 ft above them, sending tendrils of power out to the world.

(Hinata's pov)

Pain. Loss. Suffering. She let out all of the emotions she had bottled away so long ago.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"No. It wouldn't work. She would just teleport away." Michi had a thoughtful look on her face.
"Perhaps we could try to communicate with her. The only way to get her to stop is to make it her idea."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Wise choice. Girls, I love having you help me, but you're seriously putting a strain on my power." With that, Koko and Mimi transformed into decals, wich Michi put on her headband, next to one other.


Yama and Guinevere saw that they were outmatched. Ignoring Nathan's comment, she waved to her son.
"Get inside!" she yelled in Dragontongue. "We're outmatched! We need to get to safety!"
Yama saw the battle unfolding around him and decided it was best to live to fight another day. he had no idea what these two extra-dimensional beings were about, but he knew that he had absolutely no shot at being able to go toe-to-toe with either. He shed his armor, watching it fall away and flake apart in the wind. Both Guinevere and Yama ran into the cave, Gawain was already hurrying deeper into the mountain. The Hoard would be the safest, as it was the deepest part of the mountain.
"If you get Aqua, I'll take Sharla!" Gawain rumbled. His son nodded, and they each focused their Earthbending to literally pull each of their bedrooms down with them. There wasn't any plumbing or electrical wires to worry about, so the family retreated into the darkest depths of Death Mountain to hide. Even if nothing else survived, family and nearby friends were all that mattered. They got to the Hoard, a shimmering pile of valuable metals, jewels, and various artifacts that were worth fortunes. As Gawain sealed up the Hoard (and the new two-bedroom addition), they could hear all Hell breaking loose above them.