forum school for the gifted (open)
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Name: Anneth
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Anneth had long brown hair that she likes to put in a braid down her back and brown eyes that turn red when angry and violet when she's using her powers. She has really pale skin and is about medium height, and is skinny.
Style: She likes to wear T shirts and jeans and hates to wear shirts, heels and dresses. You wouldn't catch her dead in one.
Personality: Anneth is quiet, doesn't like to talk, and hates public speaking. Despite what people think, she is not shy, she just doesn't think she has anything interesting to say. Once you can get her to talk, though, she is sarcastic, funny, and loves to make people laugh. She isn't particularly loyal, though she does keep the few friends she has close. She can be nice and quiet on the outside, but if you make her mad, she will rip out your throat with her fingernails.
Likes: Reading and talking to her double, Avery
Dislikes: Loud noises and stupid people
Background: When Anneth was young, she lived in a community of Benders. Her mother was a Flamebender, and her father was a Smokebender. And when each Bender turns five, they get a Shifter as a partner. Anneth's was named Avery. Avery helped her get over her shyness, but she still stays quiet, and the only friend she doesn't betray is Avery because she can't. They have a telepathic connection.
Other: Has the ability to manipulate and control temperature and the things that come from it, like fire or ice

Name: Avery
Age: ?
Gender: ? (pronouns are "they" and "them")
Sexuality: ?
Appearance: Avery can shapeshift, but they usually look like a black raven with glowing golden eyes.
Style: N/A
Personality: Avery is the opposite of their partner, Anneth. They are loud, obnoxious, and love to play around. They don't mind talking to people they don't know, because no one can lie to them or deceive them. They usually stick with Anneth, though, and never really leave her, because it is their duty as a Shifter to watch their Bender partner. Also, Avery can be a big, whiny baby sometimes, and Anneth is the only one who can calm them down.
Likes: Anneth
Dislikes: Annoying people who assume that they are Anneth's slave
Background: Avery was a wild, uncontrollable Shifter who only liked fun. Then, they met Anneth, and decided that they wanted to stay with her.
Other: Avery can shapeshift, and the pronouns for Avery are "they" and "them." They always stick with shy Anneth, and has his own form of communication with her.


Name: Lye
Age: 14
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: (detail) straight gold hair that falls two inches past her shoulders, pale skin, and black eyes that glow gold at times. she's shorter for her ages and petite.
Style: (day-to-day clothing) she wheres black high heeled boots to make up for being short, she wheres black leggings, black skirt, and a black lace shit that ends at her elbows. she will occasionally wear a black leather jacket.
Personality: quiet, smart, sassy and sometimes rude, powerful, she's scared and unsure of herself, but if she opens up to you shes kind and will go to the ends of the earth for you.
Likes: darkness, night(not the character) silence, water storms.
Dislikes: most people, stupidity, loud noises, pollution, ousters.
Background: her family died she lives in a big house with cousins, aunts, uncles, and distant relatives twice removed and their friends.
Other: she's a sorceress, and will at times be able to have visions and see the present, but most just does magic.