forum Five Half-Princes and Their Quest for A Kingdom
Started by @Bandito

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(XD Yesss, also I like both of the new characters (The first one's my fav)…I don't think either of them will get along with mine tho)

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(As far as I can tell Damian won’t naturally get along well with anyone! I’m excited to see who @Qxeenscryche brings too our personality pool as well.)


(Yessss, though i'm quite surprised, mine is the only one having to do with ice or water, almost all the others are based on fire)

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(I almost did something air based, but I have such a soft spot for nature/earth based powers! I guess the whole “demon” aspect probably got a lot of people playing with fire)

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(Lol thanks, and I’m glad we’re playing off our own strengths here. I’ve been messing with some ideas on how Damian’s emotions affect his surroundings, so be on the lookout for that once we start)


(I love everyone's characters they're so awesome!! I kinda imagined Pine as ice or wind though because he hates his fire brother XD)

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(Pine is low key my favorite right now. You’re chosen powers for him are super creative, and I have a feeling he’ll have a big impact on the storyline.


(Thank you!! Actually my favorite character with superpowers(she hasn't been in a RP yet) is a fae/alien(fairies and stuff appeared on Earth a long time ago for refuge so all the old myths were true and then they left again but now they came back) named Little Blue who can create illusions that are so strong they turn into real life. Like she creates an illusion of rain and suddenly you're soaking wet. I love her!) (Pine is kind of like another character in that same story, only the other character can only project his own emotions onto other people.)

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(Is there any time that we’re starting this rp? Or are we still waiting on some people?)


(I'll start in a bit, Stark seems busy and I don't think QxeenScryche is on right now but I don't want to wait much longer :P)


(Let's go!!)

"Saruo will help you prepare," King Delvin said, brows tightly knit together. "You may take food, simple clothing, transportation, and five thousand crowns with you. Best of luck, sons." With that he turned away and gestured at the door shortly.

Victor was still reeling. He could not quite believe what his father had just done to him. Leave the palace. Leave the palace. But…he shook his head slowly as he left the room and walked down the long staircase to Saruo, his father's top servant.

Pine tried harder to control his breathing. He was not sure what he was going to do, exactly, but it would be something. He would not let himself be killed by humans, beside humans, or with humans. He would also not be cast out like a piece of garbage, even if that was what everyone saw him as now. He licked his lips once, then turned and stalked quickly out of the room and down the stairs. "I want all of my clothes and enough food for a month packed in a light cart," he said softly but coldly to Saruo. "I want two thousand crowns wrapped in my clothes and three thousand in a bag, near me at all times. May we bring servants?"
"You may bring one, to help with transportation," Saruo replied stonily. "After you have arrived at your chosen destination and unloaded, the servant must return to the palace." He commanded the nearby servants to do what Pine had said.

Victor clenched and unclenched his fists, paying no attention to Pine. When Saruo turned to him as Pine slunk down the hall toward Victor's personal quarters, he said one thing: "What Pine said." His face darkened gradually until his features were twisted. He didn't bother to speak more to Saruo, instead swiveling to go outside.


(They're sent to just look around in the city, that way you can introduce them whenever you want to.) (Good luck! Is she ok?)