forum Anyone interested in a Fantasy one on one romance RP?
Started by @Darkblossom group

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@Darkblossom group

Will add more details later. Basically, it’s based on islands that have been ripped from the ground and float in the air because if powerful magic. There are also dragonkin, basically dragons and all animals related to dragons, on these islands.

@Darkblossom group

Sure! Okay, here is some information and links:

The Floating Islands are arranged in a huge circle. The Central Islands, where all the rich people are, are more closely packed than the Outer Islands. The closer to the center the island is, the higher in altitude it is, and the warmer it is. Sashay Rune Swy is famous for being a three time Dragon Wars(Dangerous dragon riding sport similar to capture the flag) champion, and for training some of the best dragonkin. She recently divorced a man known as Rohl Swy, though no one knows the whole story as the marriage was secret until they broke up. She also now has his child, a little girl named Kareem Eve Swy, or Kari for short.


Cyrus Black is an annoying, super arrogant half Primordial. He has large black wings that can slide into his shirt and some powers. He had two younger siblings that were kidnapped a few years ago, and he was told that they were dead.


@Darkblossom group

Perfect! So the way I’m thinking this goes is your character is visiting the Floating Islands and meets Sashay. She is somewhat broken from her past relationship, but grows close to Cyrus, eventually telling him what happened. After that, we’ll find out.

@Darkblossom group

(Imma start since I think we’re ready)
Sashay flew over the Central Islands dragonback, sullenly guiding her mount in circles over the area. She had thought going for a fly would cheer her up, but so far it wasn’t working.


(Okay, cool.)

Cyrus sighed, pulling himself together, and headed out. His dragon was waiting. He was going to the Floating Islands to visit his cousin.

@Darkblossom group

(Just based on they way you phrased that, you are aware that there are not dragons on the ground, and there is only one group of floating islands, hence the name the Floating Islands?)