forum Saimota Rp with @brave_soldier
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

people_alt 58 followers


"Most likely, but I was checking anyway…" He looked away for a short moment, a small attempt at distracting himself, and then he went back to looking at Shuichi. "Um..thought I should just ask so we can stop this before it gets out of hand, but how do you control your thoughts of worry and get them to stop?"

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" take a couple deep breaths and focus on me," he said and ran his fingers through the others hair.

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" tell me about it.." he said and nuzzled into the others chest

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" it's just the same as yesterday kaito, so don't worry yourself again." He shivered and curled up tighter to the other.


"I'll be back in a moment.." Kaito stood up and left the room. Upon returning, he had more blankets and one of his spare jackets. "And this should be able to keep you warm.." He gave everything to the other before lying next to him and holding him close once more. "I'm just gonna say it..I really hope this doesn't end up getting worse.." While nowhere near the extent of the day prior, he was still worried.