forum Saiibo rp!
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Kaito sighed softly as he stood up and looked for Kiibo's charger. He was honestly a bit worried about him at the time, so he hoped that this was just an issue with him having low battery and not some other, more serious issue. Even so, he remained a bit concerned.

"Where is your charger?" he asked. "Hopefully this is just because you need to charge…"


Kaito sighed softly, not entirely sure what that was supposed to mean, but he eventually found Kiibo's charger and plugged it in before plugging the other in as well. He really hoped that he would be a bit more functional once he was charged.


Kaito shook his head in response, as he didn't see why he needed to be thanked for that. He was just trying to help a friend, as he didn't want anything bad to happen to Kiibo. There was enough going on, and he was going to keep his friends safe no matter what.

"No need. I'll always be here to help you."


Kaito sighed softly, but at least he knew what effects having low battery would have on Kiibo, and they were certainly interesting, to say the least. Even so, he was determined to help his friend out and make sure that he was okay.

"Hopefully recharging fixes that," he said softly.


Kaito nodded in response, really hoping that Kiibo would be alright after he recharged. He couldn't help but be a bit worried about him due to how he was behaving and feeling, but he was sure that things were going to be alright in the end.

"I'm sure that things will be fine."


Kaito seemed to be a bit surprised by the comment since he didn't expect Kiibo to have feelings for Shuichi, and even so, it was certainly an interesting thing to admit in the current situation. He seemed to be proud of him for admitting it, though.

"You have a crush on Shuichi?" he asked softly.


Kaito nodded in response, as it honestly made sense that Kiibo had developed feelings for Shuichi. While he wasn't always entirely sure about his own feelings, he was pretty sure that what Kiibo felt towards his best friend was nothing other than love.

"I think so, too," he responded. "Well, I'm glad that you had the courage to admit it."


Kaito nodded in understanding. It was certainly difficult to express certain emotions towards certain people, and that was only natural, nothing to be embarrassed about, as it honestly happened to most people. He was sure that things would work out, though.

"It's normal," he assured him softly. "I'll help you if you want me to!"


Kaito nodded in response as he gave Kiibo a determined and bright grin. He was more than willing to help the other express his feelings for Shuichi and help the other actually confess them to him in the future. As long as he was happy, then everything would be fine.

"Of course I will!"